• Dan Getliffe

    Location Comfort Smoothness Intensity

    This is a great ride for Blackpool - so many interactions with other coasters and some decent airtime. It doesn’t rank higher as it’s just not as fast or thrilling as it could be. It’s super smooth and a great ride experience, but just doesn’t fully scratch that thrill itch that I have. However ICON is an INCREDIBLE night ride. The trains are lit up and the interactions with the other coasters are more noticeable. Definitely try it at night! Update: Enso is insane and well worth the *ridiculous* price. But once you open the box you’ll never want to go back to riding it standard!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Airtimes Discomfort

    Much better than the left side, and some ok airtimes throughout.

  • Coaster Nut

    Layout Headbanging Discomfort Tear it down!

    20 years ago, this was a top 10 coaster for me. I rode it 11 times in one day. It's now in my bottom 10 because it has turned into a rattly mess. It was good that they got rid of the 570-degree helix in 2018. It had gone from a great element to torture. My last ride - and I do mean my LAST ride on it - left me with rattled-brain syndrome and nausea. I'd love to see an RMC or GCI makeover of the Boss.

  • MapleFlakes

    First Drop Launch Intensity

    Maverick is an incredibly wild and powerful ride. In some ways it really does feel like a mini P305 with its forceful low-to-the-ground elements and whippy turns, but it remains a completely distinct experience. Launches are always fun on a ride, and Maverick showcases that expertly. Though the first is a bit underwhelming, that second one is one of the best of all time with its enclosed setting followed by a blast into the outside world. And, on the topic of that first launch, it still leads into one of the best first drops in the park that, despite being only a hundred feet tall, feels like it never ends in the back row. While the ride may be focused on intensity, it has a couple pops of airtime that are absurdly powerful, and rival the literal airtime machine next door. Add on top of these awesome elements a gorgeous location over water, through trees, and on the coast of Lake Eerie, and you have yourself not only an awesome roller coaster, but a breathtaking experience. 10/10 - everyone that says this needs lap bars have a thing for broken spines

  • MapleFlakes

    First Drop Location Masterpiece

    Millennium force is truly a roller coaster icon. Though several new giga coasters have popped up since its debut offering insane intensity and incredible airtime, none of them capture the majesty of Millennium. A truly legendary first drop is followed up by incredibly fun overbanked turns and blazing speeds through the secluded heart of the Cedar Point peninsula. If all you care about is raw forces, you probably will find Millennium outdated compared to its peers. However, if you want a one-of-a-kind experience, front-row Millie is a ride unlike any other. 10/10 - I think every town in the old west had camels and a 300-foot Intamin running through it probably

  • SilesianGirl

    First Drop Capacity Duration Rattle

    Controversial, but I’ll say it. I prefer Hyperion to Zadra. For me, Zadra was slightly underwhelming, but i heard everyone say Hyperion was bad, so it actually was better than i thought it was going to be. The feeling of the first drop is insane and it’s actually (or at least feels like) a fairly long ride. The only bad thing i can really say about it is the rattle in the back outer seats, everywhere else on the train its really nice

  • e e

    Airtimes Comfort Launch


  • e e

    Fun Harness Headbanging Capacity Dead spots

    It was just a bunch of helix’s and turns

  • Brian Sheldon

    Airtimes Comfort Smoothness

    This is perhaps my favorite B&M hyper. It is a basic out and back layout, but they do throw a few surprises in for extra excitement and fun. I loved the left-hand dive turn off of the third hill that takes you out to the turn around. They throw in a couple more "twister" type maneuvers towards the end to add more excitement. It reminded a bit of Ragin' Bull in the second half. It was typical B&M Hyper--super, super smooth and comfortable. Because of this smoothness I was able to carry on a conversation with my wife during the entire ride. It is too big and comfortable to be all that intense. The level of intensity between this and El Torro is night and day. I know that this goes 80mph, but it never feels that fast. I loved and appreciated the extra "twister" maneuvers to add to the overall thrill and experience. A great coaster.

  • Brian Sheldon


    The hype surrounding this made it out to be the best ride in all of Disney’s parks. I must say it is an excellent, excellent family coaster and a perfect addition to Disney. However, if you put this ride at Cedar Point, Magic Mountain, Hersheypark, etc, it would be highly out of place as a coaster. Here it does what it is designed to do. Move tons of people of all ages and sizes through the line. Purely judging it as a coaster enthusiast, especially if you take away all of the gizmos and gadgets, it really isn’t anything too special. It would just be an average coaster. With all the theming, it’s very cool. With that said the music and the constant talking annoyed me to no end. I was trying to focus on the ride and the music was a bad song that was just annoying. I learned after the fact that this supposedly goes 60mph. I have no idea when or where that happened. It seemed markedly slower than Tron. I honestly never felt like we broke 40. Overall an excellent experience that is pretty cool to do—once, maybe twice. Then all the build up I’m sure would just aggravate me to no end. I won’t ruin any of it, but it is very cool. Again, overall, a great experience that just happens to involve a decent coaster.