• Chris J.

    Solid coaster but nothing special. The whole ride is decent but no standout moments.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Fun Layout

    Very unique and good wooden coaster. The massive helix is awesome and you get some serious airtime in the front. Really good coaster.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Fun Masterpiece

    Phoenix is incredible. The ride just gets better and better as it goes on. The hills towards the second half send you flying, it is some of the best airtime you can experience. The buzz bars make the experience. Plus it's glass smooth.

  • Chris J.


    Did not like this one. Felt this was much rougher than most old woodies. Too uncomfortable.

  • Chris J.

    Launch Capacity

    Pretty fun just like Wicked Twister once was. The launch and spikes are fun but it's not something I am dying to get back on.

  • Chris J.

    Inversions Layout

    I really love this one's layout. It's not the most intense floorless but it is very unique and I admire it for that. The jojo roll is cool and the rest of the ride is solid.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Duration

    This was a solid Morgan but not as good as rides like Steel Eel and Phantom. The helix was really cool and so was the return trip airtime hills, but nothing that blew my mind.

  • Chris J.

    Inversions Layout

    This was a pretty solid invert but not my overall favorite. Every element was good but nothing stood out. Just a good ride.

  • Chris J.

    Rattle Headbanging Discomfort

    This ride is horrible. One of the worst I have ever done. I don't think I have experienced such violent headbanging elsewhere.

  • Chris J.

    Not bad but not great. I didn't find it to be rough like others seem to but it doesn't do anything, which isn't surprising since it was B&M's first. It's alright.