• Insane Coasters

    Airtimes Masterpiece Duration Intensity

    Steel vengeance is the best coaster for airtime I have ever been on. It lacks positive gs but it's still a long and incredible ride.

  • Mr. Roller Coasters

    Masterpiece Layout Ejectors

    This is now the best roller coaster I’ve ever ridden. This has the strongest series of airtime hills on a coaster. ArieForce is seriously underrated because every thoosie raves about new RMCs except for this one, when this one deserves the most praise. Y’all wanted more airtime, they gave it to you. Now it’s too much? Go figure.


    Airtimes Comfort Intensity

    This ride is incredible a perfect blend of negative g force, positive, and laterals. The first drop anywhere is absurd the two camelbacks right after that are incredibly powerful. There is a little pothole at the bottom of the turnaround but I find the roughness to give a nice bite to it. There is a little headbanging but not tooo much. The rolling thunder hill is the most intense element at the park (yes even over nitro's double helix and kingda ka's launch) and the twister section is underrated. Overall a 10/10


    Airtimes Capacity Comfort

    This park has basically only underrated coasters and this might be the most underrated of all of them. This is loaded with floater airtime and even some floater mixed with ejector on those final ending hills. In the back rows there is a slight rattle but if you want to avoid that just ride in the front row. This is a capacity monster, the most I've ever waited for this was 20 minutes on a busy weekend in may. the drop is awesome in the front and back rows. This is a good 4# ride in the park but on any given day I might switch this for Kingda Ka.


    Inversions Intensity Discomfort

    Okay this is not the best ride, but it is criminally underrated I am literally 5 feet tall and I experienced no headbanging. Now there is a lot of leg pain but I only found it to hurt a lot on the slow turns in the second half and the turn into the mid- course. It ranks #8 in my Rankings at this park!

  • DJ Higby

    First Drop Theming Smoothness

    This is a fun coaster not very intense and not the most extreme coaster but this is one of the few coasters I’ve ridden that just pure fun

  • DJ Higby

    Nice surprise! Launch Intensity

    This was my favorite ride At Hershey park when I went in 2021 the launch was very forceful and the top hat gave great airtime and the flying snake dive was one of the most intense inversions I’ve ever experienced can’t wait to get more rides on it in the future

  • DJ Higby

    Inversions Pace Intensity Rattle

    Currently my #2 overall this ride is a punch I feel like I like this ride to much only complaints are long lines and the vibration the inversions are so great and actually very intense as well yes I do see it going down in rankings eventually when I get on more coasters but this will probably always be my favorite at Kennywood

  • Lucas Tikkala-Cutler

    Inversions Comfort Fun

    Great coaster that grows on me every time I ride it. Its Nothing special though.

  • Lucas Tikkala-Cutler

    Airtimes Intensity

    This is the coaster enthusiast’s dream kitty coaster. Great airtime and sharp turns… it’s still like 10 feet tall though.