• Chris J.

    Intensity Headbanging

    The first half was better than I expected but I did quite a bit of headbanging in the second half. Decent coaster but definitely shows it's age.

  • Chris J.

    Location Fun

    My favorite suspended coaster so far. The hillside setting, uniqueness, and swinging combine to make a really good ride.

  • Chris J.

    Location Fun

    This was fun. The loop is good and going along the hill past Tatsu is cool.

  • Chris J.

    Inversions Intensity Layout

    This was way better than I expected. It really is just Medusa in a parking lot, and Medusa is great. It has a good layout with some solid inversions.

  • Chris J.

    Launch Fun

    Launching that fast and going up that high is always super cool, but it doesn't hold a candle to the likes of Ka or Dragster because of it's weaker launch.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Fun Intensity

    This was really good. Reminded me of Thunderhead with no terrain or trees. The theming was better than I would expect from Six Flags and it had some great moments.

  • Chris J.

    Inversions Intensity

    This was pretty fun. I don't love stand-up coasters but this was one of the better ones I've done. Had some good intense moments.

  • Chris J.

    Intensity Dead spots

    The helix is very intense but other than that it didn't do much. The operations were also poor. Wouldn't wait long for it again.

  • Chris J.

    Inversions Masterpiece Intensity

    It isn't all that smooth but it is absolutely insane. Every moment is crazy intense and the spinning is so unique. You get airtime where you shouldn't and positives also where you shouldn't. Fantastic coaster.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Fun Layout

    My personal favorite RMC. The dueling aspect of this ride is incredible. You interact with the other train in so many different ways. It offers incredible airtime on both sides and the top gun stall is excellent. It feels different from the other RMCs thanks to the dueling.

  • Chris J.


    Good family ride with some fun spinning. These and the Gerstlauer ones are always pretty good.

  • Chris J.

    Decent wooden coaster. I thought it was smooth for it's age but overall didn't do too much.

  • Chris J.

    Inversions Intensity

    This was quite fun. Good intense loops and has that classic Schwarzkopf feel. I enjoyed it.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Lap Bar Fun

    Going into Cannibal, I knew it would have a great first drop and lagoon roll, but the rest surprised me. Every element on this ride offers something. The drop is amazing and the roll has great hangtime, while all the other elements have either good positives, a nice airtime pop, or some side to side whip.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Layout

    It's smooth and fun. I think the spike is neat and the rest of the ride has some cool airtime hills and turns. I don't think it's anything incredible but it's definitely fun.

  • Chris J.

    Location Fun

    One of the better mine trains out there. Seems to be a bit more intense and smooth than most. It also has a great location being right there along the rocks.

  • Chris J.

    Launch Fun

    Like Joker's Jinx, I like being able to see all the near misses and tight turns. Really fun ride.

  • Chris J.

    Inversions Location Intensity

    One of the best floorless coasters out there. The interactions with the quarry wall are super cool and each inversion packs a punch.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Intensity Discomfort

    This runs so fast and has so many moments that are incredible but hurt because of the uncomfortable trains. I just do not like the way you straddle the trains and the harness isn't comfortable either.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes First Drop Location

    Excellent ride. Full of great airtime moments and fun laterals as well. The first drop is one of RMC's best. The interactions with the quarry wall make this ride even better. The airtime moments are all strong and enhanced by the great trains. The tunnel finale is awesome and you get flung up and into the brake run.

  • Chris J.

    Location Launch Fun

    A really good family coaster. The launches are fun and the layout being over water is neat. Has a couple of good lateral moments as well.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Layout Ejectors

    I really like Steel Eel. It's strong in the first and second half. I also like the unique layout with the big helix in the middle. The first drop and hills send you flying and the return trip is full of good floater. My second favorite Morgan behind Phantom.

  • Chris J.

    Nice surprise! Fun

    This was a cool mine train. I did not expect the ending tunnels. One of the better arrow mine trains I have done.

  • Chris J.

    Capacity Discomfort

    Similarly to Reptilian, it has some novelty but doesn't do much overall. I did think this was rougher than Reptilian and also had a much longer wait. Not worth it.

  • Chris J.


    This was a decent wooden coaster. It wasn't anything special but for its age I thought it was smooth and had some okay airtime moments.

  • Chris J.

    Nice surprise! Location Fun

    I rode this around Christmas time and there was some sort of overlay for it that was pretty goofy but that made it fun. I was very surprised at how much I liked this. The twisting drop was super cool and there were some fun turns in there.

  • Chris J.

    Intensity Duration

    This one suffers because we all know there are much better hypers out there. It has a great helix but other than that not much. The sense of speed is cool as it the drop into the tunnel, but it could be much better.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Fun Intensity

    My favorite Schwarzkopf that I have done so far. It has those super intense back-to-back loops as well as a few excellent airtime moments in the second half. Really good ride.

  • Chris J.

    Launch Intensity

    I have only ridden this backward, but just like the one at St. Louis, it's amazing. The launch and top hat are so intense, and the spike is super cool.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Ejectors Duration

    My least favorite RMC just because it really cannot keep up with the new ones. It's still a great ride full of airtime. It slows down some towards the end but I think that gives it a nice change of pace from the constant ejector we get nowadays. Also like these trains more than the new ones.