Star Wars Hyperspace Mountain: Rebel Mission - Disneyland Paris - Disneyland Park
Kieran Deadite 13 days agoTheming Inversions Fun Headbanging
I rode this before the bad star wars overlay happened so it used to be good.
Launch Pace Ejectors Rattle Too short
I'll defend this one too my grave. Ya'll too harsh.
First Drop Harness Smoothness Disappointing! Layout
Good but not allat
Airtimes Fun Ejectors Layout
Despite the layout being just hills, its pretty good.
Airtimes Intensity Ejectors Layout
Good stuff
First Drop Discomfort Dead spots Layout
First drop into a monorail is crazy
Launch Ejectors Too short
Stealth is as good as going up and down can get. Nice.
Theming Capacity Smoothness Too short Dead spots
Its good but nothing special
Fun Rattle Capacity Pointless
Bring back Sonic. Thank you.
Theming Fun
This is a fine family ride. I dont really care.
Theming Hangtime Headbanging Discomfort Airtimes
Ow. Also I know this an inversion ride but that hill in the middle may as well be straight track.
Inversions Fun Theming Reliability
Pretty underrated. Interesting to compare to FLY.
Airtimes Theming Launch Harness Discomfort
FLY is one of those rides I think I need to try again. It's got immaculate theming but I just couldn't enjoy it with the restraints. Im not a bulky guy either, it was simply so intense it felt tight.
Theming Layout Intensity
Solid ride. I did do it during winter so it felt a little slow but I was happy with what I got.
Lap Bar Layout Ejectors Disappointing! Dead spots
I liked Kondaa for what it's worth, but I wouldn't call it a modern masterpiece by any means.
Comfort Fun Smoothness Too short
Th13teen is a good family coaster. That's about it.
Airtimes Theming Layout Headbanging Reliability
Highkey I love Saw, it was my first 1.4m coaster, but it is a very well themed torture device.
Inversions Intensity Smoothness Theming
Honestly its a bit better than the original it this point. Fair bit smoother and it's getting there in intensity. Merlin don't close this one, cheers!
Location Pace Fun Rattle
When Merlin tries for once and the contractor messes up
Smoothness Layout Hangtime Dead spots
Icon is a solid Mack launch coaster, it just needs a little more oomf.
Launch Harness Tear it down! Pointless
Prime real estate for some new benches
First Drop Inversions Ejectors Rattle Too short Theming
Hyperia is a good first half of a ride. Merlin needs to find the second half.
Theming Launch Pace
Taron is a mastefully executed experience by Phantasialand, combining theming and a fantastic layout.
First Drop Nice surprise! Pace
Hyperion was my favourite of the big 3 at Energylandia, providing an intense and fast paced experience with more standout moments than Zadra. I personally didn't find the ride too be rough either, especially considering my favourite seat being the very back wing seats.
Pace Smoothness Disappointing! Lap Bar
Whilst I enjoyed Zadra, I wasn't blown away by it like many had told me I would be. Those RMC restraints are painful, especially with the speed you come into the breaks at.
Theming Inversions Duration Headbanging Reliability
Smiler is one of the best coasters in the UK despite it's faults. It could really use some TLC to restore it to its former glory, but then again this is Merlin.
Inversions Masterpiece Layout Rattle
Helix at Liseberg is one of Europe's best attractions in my opinion. I've gone back to this park in 2023 and 2024 after my first time in 2023 simply for this ride alone.