• Shroom

    First Drop Fun Hangtime Too short

    Really fun! The sky loop was really good and had good hangtime. The positives in the valley were pretty strong and I really enjoyed both rollbacks because every moment on this ride gave different kinds of forces and feelings. The big problem is, that the ride is way too short and doesn’t offer a lot of those moments. The harness is also mentionable because it get’s tighter over the ride time and it can get pretty uncomfortable. But I appreciate that the harness doesn’t ruin any of the hangtime moments

  • Shroom

    Launch Capacity Disappointing!

    I was pretty disappointed after this ride. I expected it to be a smaller version of desmo race because it is its prototype, but it slowed down all the time at the parts where it would be interesting to go though with a little bit more of speed. The launch was pretty good though. The two camelbacks were just fine and gave very weak floater airtime. The turns were totally forceless, pointless and felt really weird, especially that last helix or the helix right after the first turnaround right after the launch. I liked its bigger brother way more than this one

  • Shroom

    First Drop Layout Rattle Discomfort Tear it down!

    It would be such a good spinning coaster, if it wouldn’t rattle so much and be in good circumstances. Due to its bad rattle and transitions it can get pretty painful and discomforting and it doesn’t feel natural how it runs through its layout. It’s such a shame how this ride could age this bad, because the layout is actually good. The first drop is punchy and some of those turns have good positives too

  • Shroom


    It’s just a little junior coaster and fun for younger kids, but it runs pretty rough through the turns and the train shakes a lot, also in comparison to its clones

  • Shroom

    Fun Discomfort

    It‘s a little junior coaster that does what it has to do and it runs relatively smooth. The train is incredibly small and tight as it is for smaller kids, so it is a bit discomforting for taller people

  • Shroom

    Capacity Discomfort Tear it down!

    Probably the worst coaster in the park. It was so discomforting and rattly, I just couldn’t enjoy it and it seemed like the ride wanted to destroy me. The brakes are really brutal too. I don’t know what to say more than it’s just horrible. 1/10 and one of the worst rides I’ve ridden, even if it’s kind of a standard layout, it’s way worse than any wild mouse by Mack rides or Maurer

  • Shroom

    Fun Rattle Discomfort

    It’s a kiddie coaster and there’s nothing to expect more than that. It’s just uncomfortable for taller persons and it’s pretty janky at some spots. There are some noticeable laterals though and it’s not a horrible ride. Better than most kiddie coasters too

  • Shroom

    Location Fun Too short Dead spots

    Very fun alpine coaster. I liked the first half a lot, and it was really intense in comparison to other alpines. There are some good pops of airtime and intense laterals if you rush through the layout without slowing down. The second half was kinda pointless. Even without slowing down, there are a lot of straight sections that do nothing. I liked it overall a lot though

  • Shroom

    Airtimes Launch Intensity Harness

    Probably the best ride in Italy, I enjoyed it a lot. There are some strong ejector airtime moments and incredibly snappy transitions that make the ride really intense. The Launch was how you could expect from an Intamin coaster pretty strong. The harness is a little bit annoying because it’s right next to your neck so it can cause some headbanging in the transitions. The first half of the layout is pretty much perfect and masterful, but the second half really has unnecessary dead spots. But I am complaining on a high level so overall it’s in my opinion the second best coaster in Italy, just overtaken by Katun so still a close 10/10

  • Shroom

    First Drop Intensity Hangtime Rattle Discomfort Intensity

    I pretty much died while riding this. It is so incredibly intense, that it‘s just way too much. The positives in the loop and the scorpion tail are unbearable and I even got back pain whilst riding this and a headache right after. On top of that, it just rattles way too much too and it makes the positives even more difficult to bear. The drop was fun, and because it was beyond vertical you had great hangtime, just like on the scorpion tail. The airtimes were pretty solid and gave some good flojector airtime. Overall it is a very rare coaster and it was alright for its hangtime, drop and airtime moments , but it’s just way too intense and rattly. Due to its intensity, it gets really uncomfortable

  • Shroom

    Theming Intensity Layout

    This ride is amazing and without doubt the best bobsled coaster I´ve ridden. The theming is incredible and creates a special atmosphere. It is pretty intense for a family coaster at some points and has some good positives as well as some of the best laterals I´ve ever experienced. Last time I rode it, it even had the fog effect activated. It´s a very special ride

  • Shroom

    Nice surprise! Location Intensity Capacity Discomfort Layout

    Oh wow, well it’s a crazy mouse but that spinning in the 2nd half was so intense and I totally lost my orientation. Easily the best crazy mouse due it’s location and spinning. It was fun but it’s still a reverchon coaster and it was very rattly and discomforting. The capacity is really bad and it’s usually the longest queue in the park. But I’m happy I did this one, even if it’s actually a bad coaster. The spinning was from another world

  • Shroom

    Airtimes First Drop Fun Capacity

    It was just what I expected. The castle looks good from the outside. The first drop was surprisingly steep and fast and the rest of the layout was pretty similar to other old generation bobsleds. Worth mentioning is also the capacity, it’s very bad and it has usually one of the longest queues in the park

  • Shroom

    First Drop Fun Smoothness

    Very nice family coaster. Smooth and enjoyable and it also has some good positives. The golden seat is definitely the back row. The airtimes are taken a bit faster and especially the first drop is pretty surprising there.

  • Shroom

    Inversions Nice surprise! Intensity Too short

    It was actually pretty fun, and surprised me a little bit. This thing is so intense and had some of the most violent positives I´ve experienced. It´s actually short tho, it´s a boomerang. I thought it would be way more uncomfortable and rattly, but it actually wasn´t too bad.

  • Shroom

    Airtimes Nice surprise! Intensity Rattle

    This coaster absolutely surprised me. I expected a rattly and small wooden coaster but I’ve got a pretty punchy airtime machine. Those airtimes actually have some solid flojector moments and the drop was also very good. I only rode it in the Backrow and I totally recommend it. Biggest con is that the ride has a bad rattle but that doesn’t really take much away from the ride experience in my opinion

  • Shroom

    Theming Pointless Dead spots Layout

    It wasn’t bad and the theming was nice but the layout was nothing special and it was totally pointless. It doesn’t even have a decent speed and it felt like I was sneaking though the layout. But it wasn’t hurtful or anything and it was enjoyable for what it is as a kiddie coaster. 3/10 in my opinion, but it is pretty nice for kids

  • Shroom

    First Drop Fun Rattle Discomfort Dead spots

    The first drop and the hill after that are really fine and I thought it would be a pleasant surprise. It is totally smooth and it even gives some airtime in the Backrow. But after that, it progressively gets worse. The turns are really rattly and in those vehicles it is very discomforting. The Möbius racing aspect is actually pretty fun and when I was there it actually duelled all the time. Could have been so much better but Preston & Barbieri really did mess up the second half of each side. 4/10

  • Shroom

    Launch Fun Capacity Reliability

    It’s nothing more than I have expected. The launch is fine and after that you have some nice turns and camelbacks with some soft floater airtime moments. It shakes a little bit but I wouldn’t call it rattle and it’s not taking away from the experience. The capacity is pretty bad while there can only be two persons per vehicle and it was closed half of the day for me. Overall pretty fun and it’s something special you don’t see everywhere, but it could’ve been better. 6/10

  • Shroom

    First Drop Fun Theming

    The first drop was really nice and also the rest of the layout wasn’t bad, but a little bit pointless. Those splashdowns were amazing and I got soaked, definitely a must do in summer time. There was sadly no theming at all, but I really enjoyed it. 7/10 in my opinion and could have been better with a more creative layout after the first drop

  • Shroom

    Inversions Masterpiece Intensity

    The best ride in Italy in my opinion. There is nothing I could say against it. Incredible inversions, nice first drop and intense positives. Every element is amazing, some of the rolls even have some nice airtime and the ride has some of the best theming in the park on top of that. I loved it a lot so it’s an easy 10/10 for me

  • Shroom

    Theming Nice surprise! Fun Rattle

    Very cool ride with intense forces, especially for a family coaster. I didn‘t knew there was a pre-part with a launch, so that surprised me a lot. But also the layout after that was pretty good. My only complaint is the rattle which was very noticeable. Anyways, pretty underrated ride

  • Shroom

    Location Fun Smoothness Too short

    Very fun family boomerang and the best I’ve ridden. It’s glassy smooth and has a very cool location on top. As usual for a boomerang the ride is too short, but it’s perfect for families

  • Shroom

    Fun Smoothness Too short Theming

    Very fun SFC, just very small and too short. It´s an incredibly smooth ride. There is barely theming, just like almost every attraction in the nickelodeon area, except studio tour and excalibur.

  • Shroom

    Location Fun Duration

    Some mentionable rattle but for its age it´s okay. The ride was actually very long and fun. The location on the lake was very cool tho

  • Shroom

    Theming Fun Too short Discomfort

    Really fun little boomerang and pretty fast and intense actually. The theming next to Taron is (obviously) awesome. The restraints are uncomfortable and the ride is too short, even for a family boomerang

  • Shroom

    Theming Capacity Nice surprise! Discomfort Layout

    One of the coolest indoor coasters I´ve been on. The theming and soundtrack is amazing and due it´s long train, the capacity is pretty good too. My only complaints are the discomforting trains and the bad layout, but that one didn´t bother me much

  • Shroom

    Theming Launch Fun Discomfort Dead spots

    I loved the queue of xpress. It actually had a pretty good scare. The ride itself was also very fun, but had some noticable dead spots. It still had that incredible launch, and it was very fun.

  • Shroom

    Airtimes First Drop Dead spots

    I really enjoyed Goliath for its good airtime and the first drop. In some helixes it also pulls very intense positives. The only con is, that there are actually some dead spots, like the helix before the midcourse brakerun. It´s still an amazing coaster for its glorious airtime!

  • Shroom

    First Drop Fun Smoothness

    I enjoyed this ride a bit more than it’s brother Matterhorn Blitz in Europa Park. I had the feeling it runs faster and smoother. But Matterhorn Blitz has a way better theming, which this one barely has, but the train design looks actually really good. As usual for that model its first drop is pretty fun