• thomas stanley

    First Drop Capacity Comfort

    What a great B&M hyper! It's hard to believe B&M designed Nitro in 2001. This is now my favorite of the five I have experienced, and it is my favorite ride in the park. The floater air hits on every hill. The left twisting drop of the second hill is whippy. The helix is intense, and the last four hills really pop! The balance of intensity and fun is nearly perfect on Nitro. Awesome work B&M; Nitrois a top-tier ride for me!

  • thomas stanley

    Nice surprise! Masterpiece Layout

    This is an excellent B&M invert: the best I have ridden to date. I love the pacing, duration, and flow from one element to the next. The lack of a midcourse brake run keeps the ride's pace flowing. I found it to have a near perfect balance of fun and intensity. This was my favorite ride in the park. I could happily marathon this coaster! (3×)

  • thomas stanley

    Layout Capacity

    I had read that this was one of the weaker Intamin launch coasters. I think it is a solid tire driven launch coaster. I enjoyed the low switchbacks and quick changes of direction. It would make a great next step ride for kids who have ridden jr coasters. Wave Breaker is a family coaster. With short 16-passenger trains, two (or three) train operations are essential.

  • thomas stanley

    Fun Duration

    This is a solid 3/4 scale hyper coaster. I think it is as strong as its larger cousins Mamba and Steel Force. I had an early morning ride, and I wish it had been a bit running just a bit faster through its course. I can imagine ranking it a notch higher with a bit more speed through the camelbacks.

  • thomas stanley

    Pace Layout Duration

    What a nice surprise! I love the way the ride kicks into high gear during the second half. The low, high speed maneuvers leading to the finale are both thrilling and intense. Compared to some of the other GCIs I have ridden (Kentucky Rumbler, Thunderhead, and Lighting Racer), Texas Stingray has the strongest finale. The tunnel was a nice touch too. Very solid ride!

  • thomas stanley

    Fun Layout Harness Dead spots

    My first ride on a Gerstlauer spinner. It is a decent starter coaster that is not too intense.

  • thomas stanley

    Inversions Intensity Layout

    The Batman layout is now 33 years old, and it is always a blast. This model has a neat paint scheme and 7 car trains (instead of the usual 8). I love the zero-g roll and the high g upward helix after the third inversion. Fast, smooth, intense, and relentless fun!

  • thomas stanley

    Launch Fun Harness

    Well themed Premier launch coaster... I wish the trains were a bit more open and comfortable, but it was a decent ride.

  • thomas stanley

    Duration Discomfort

    This is a larger Arrow Mine Train. It makes good use of the terrain and is reasonably comfortable to ride.

  • thomas stanley

    First Drop Theming Fun

    I rode Iron Menace at Dorney Park 6 months ago. This has a slightly better layout, excellent theming, and a smooth ride. This is my favorite of the three dive machines (also Iron Menace and Sheikra) I have experienced.

  • thomas stanley

    Pace Fun Harness Intensity

    I know that most coaster fans prefer this layout to the larger Jersey Devil and Wonder Woman at Magic Mountain. But I enjoyed Jersey Devil more than this one. I think it is a question of intensity. Jersey Devil is milder and less frenzied than the smaller Raptor models. If I were 20-30 years younger, I would likely chose the more intense ride. RMC built a lightning quick ride in the original raptor models. I understand why the rides are popular, and I wouldn't pass up a chance to ride the other installations. But this is not a ride I could marathon. I think it was the most intense coaster in the park.

  • thomas stanley

    Masterpiece Layout Ejectors

    Wow! This is the RMC I had been waiting for. The trains are more comfy than the other RMCs I have ridden. I suspect that I enjoy IRAT more than Outlaw Run, Lightning Rod, and Wind-Chaser is that IRAT is a bit less intense than most of the new RMCs. The decreased intensity combined with the roomier trains allowed me to enjoy all the tricks that IRAT threw at me. This has an excellent first drop and an awesome double up. Then there was a swooping left hand dive into a wonderful inversion. I had read that the cliff section was slow and broke the ride's rhythm, but I found it to be fun and enjoyable. The inversion was elite, and the drop into the tunnel was incredible. Could IRAT have had another 400-500 feet of track before the brakes? Yes, but it is nearly perfect as it is. This is a top 5 ride for me!

  • thomas stanley

    Location Fun Duration

    The iconic Superman standing atop the vertical loop looks great. The quarry wall interaction is awesome too. Smooth, old-school B and M goodness. This is a great floorless coaster!

  • thomas stanley

    Harness Discomfort

    It's a Vekoma Boomerang with the updated vest restrains. Get the credit; It's a one and done.

  • thomas stanley

    Airtimes Hangtime Capacity

    I enjoyed this coaster. But 2-12 passenger trains are inadequate at a park of this size. Great drops and inversions, and the whip off the turnarounds was nice. The riding position is not ideal. It is akin to riding in the center rear seat of an automobile.

  • thomas stanley

    Launch Intensity

    This was a super intense ride. Rolling slowly to the launch position, I was excited and a bit nervous. Countdown, and the force kicks with serious punch. The launch seems to go on forever, and then the train glides up and over the tophat. What a thrill this ride provides. I can't imagine there will be another ride like ths built anytime soon. Ride this beast while you still can.

  • thomas stanley

    Capacity Discomfort Layout

    Ughhh. I rode this for the credit, but it is a one and done for me. I don't like the quick, unbanked turns, and the trains sat too low for comfort.

  • thomas stanley


    I wanted to love this Herb Schmeck classic, but it just did not have enough oomph! The first speed hill is too elongated to deliver airtime. The final run of airtime hills had a trim that robbed the train of its speed. Still, it is a classic, century year old coaster.

  • thomas stanley

    Inversions Fun

    I was expecting a brutal jolt at the end, but it felt more like a shimmy than a pothole. I was pleasantly surprised by this mini dive coaster. While it lacked the height of the 200' dive coasters, it had no dull, mid-course brake. I felt the shake just before the brake run, but it was not enough to spoil the experience for me. This is a perfect fit for a park the size of Dorney. (2×)

  • thomas stanley

    Launch Fun Duration Headbanging

    My first Intamin Impulse coaster was a good fun. I liked the launches (5 bursts). It is like a giant swinging ship! I got a bit of headbanging on the twisted forward spike, but the ride was enjoyable. (2×)

  • thomas stanley

    Inversions Fun

    This is a solid, mid-tier B&M looper on par with Medusa at SFGA. I liked the Jojo roll at the start, and the sequence of elements was nice. I had hoped that the airtime hill behind the station had delivered a pop of airtime, but it was very mild. (2×)

  • thomas stanley

    Comfort Fun Duration

    I enjoyed STEEL FORCE, and I can only imagine a trimless/mid course free ride. Solid old school Morgan Hyper.

  • thomas stanley

    Capacity Dead spots

    Good family coaster.

  • thomas stanley

    First Drop Capacity Discomfort

    Large, 90s B&M stand-up coaster. Slow loading hampers capacity. The stand-up concept seems to have been a novelty that has passed. I would love to see a new-age Vekoma looper (like Feonix or Lech Coaster) in this space.

  • thomas stanley

    Pace Intensity Duration

    Solid B&M floorless looper. Good pacing and solid, forceful ride.

  • thomas stanley

    Capacity Duration

    Large Arrow mine train.

  • thomas stanley


    Lackluster indoor coaster.

  • thomas stanley

    Decent indoor wild mouse.

  • thomas stanley

    Airtimes First Drop Duration

    Wow! This out RMCs RMC. I was amazed at the airtime over the camelback hills. My thighs were sore after two rides. My lone Intamin pre fab credit; solid and intense.