• Benjamin Andrews

    Harness Discomfort Tear it down!

    Tear this MF down. Please. It’s absolutely horrendous. An already janky wild mouse with bulky OTSR restraints does not mix well. At all. Please. World’s worst roller coaster. This does not deserve to be at the same park as one in my top five.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Pace Intensity Ejectors

    This is the perfect ride for enthusiasts. Not the best, but the most perfect. It has an absolutely insane ride experience on a ride that never, NEVER, gets a line. It’s possibly the most aggressive non-raptor RMC. The four inversions are world-class (especially the arcade roll), the airtime moments are elite (especially the outerbank and double up), and that ending is insanely out of control. 10/10, elite RMC

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Airtimes Pace

    Very underrated woodie. One of the better GCIs. It maintains a fantastic pace and has a bunch of great airtime and lateral moments.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    First Drop Inversions Hangtime

    Awesome ride, and the best Gerstlauer in the country. An ejector-filled first drop is followed with one of the best inversion collections in the world. Each will dangle you from your seat with the insane hangtime it has. Some are whippy too. It also feels like it's gonna keep rolling back. Great ride and the best ride in the state.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Airtimes Inversions Fun Harness

    Fun ride, pretty underrated. The dueling is great and it has a couple moments that will leave you out of your seat, most notably the especially snappy wave turn. It also has a very long ride time.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Pace Intensity Ejectors

    This ride is absolutely insane and the best Vekoma that I've done. It feels like a much longer and more intense RMC raptor in a way. The ejector on this ride is incredible (especially that drop), each of the inversions are awesome (especially that one over the station), and the positives on this thing absolutely crush your bones. Awesome ride and the second best in Poland.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Fun Smoothness Dead spots

    Fun spinning coaster with a couple great moments but a couple dull ones as well.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Airtimes Duration Dead spots

    Underrated woodie. Has a couple moments that give fantastic airtime. It just has way too many moments that don't do anything.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Theming Fun Dead spots

    Pretty much just a budget Space Mountain on a bobsled track. It was a very fun ride but GateKeeper is miles better.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Inversions Fun Intensity

    WOW I was not expecting this ride. One of the best flyers out there easily. It captures the pure fun-factor that Manta has and the intensity that Flying Dinosaur has. China's most underrated ride easily.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Airtimes Comfort Fun

    Great, iconic ride. Pretty much everybody has heard of this ride. It's held up very well in its long lifetime. The airtime and laterals are awesome with a very non-restrictive seat.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Airtimes Lap Bar Fun Capacity

    A very underrated ride with some awesome airtime with only a buzz bar in some spots.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Pace Intensity Ejectors Harness

    Fantastic roller coaster. Easily the best raptor of the five. Smooth, and insanely intense. The ejector is absolutely insane at some points, such as the two drops and s-hill. The restraints kind of suck, but it's still a great ride.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Inversions Intensity Rattle Headbanging Discomfort

    Terrible ride. Extremely rough and very uncomfortable. It's very intense and has great inversions but the strong layout doesn't mix well with the smoothness and uncomfortable trains that the ride has. I'm glad it's getting new trains, but it'll still be pretty bad.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Inversions Intensity Too short Disappointing!

    Freespins as a whole have always been a bit overhated, with good rides. I've never gotten a good ride on this one. When it flips, it's fun, but it doesn't do that much for me on this one.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Airtimes Comfort Pace

    Fantastic woodie. Great airtime on this and it maintains a great pace. Almost every element on the ride tries to throw you from your seat. And unlike other GCIs, the lap bar doesn't staple you. The retrack did wonders for this thing.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Airtimes Pace Fun Reliability

    Awesome woodie. It’s made for families at a park literally themed to Sesame Street, yet it could be considered a top five at select parks. You have fantastic airtime from the drop to the brakes. Probably my favorite GG family woodie.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Lap Bar Comfort Fun Dead spots

    A fun, classic woodie that holds up very well. A couple spots of airtime and it’s very smooth and comfortable. It doesn’t have the most exciting layout, though.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Fun Discomfort Pointless

    I don't like Wild Mice. They're uncomfortable and weird rides. This one is one of the better ones but it's still not very good.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Inversions Intensity Headbanging Discomfort

    It was a boomerang. Uncomfortable yet bone-crushing positives. HangTime is miles better.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Inversions Intensity

    Pretty much just smoother and less whippy Raptor. It's a great ride but it has nothing on Raptor.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Fun Pointless

    Weird, weird ride. It's a spinning wild mouse like something you'd find at a carnival, yet with a weird tickle monster theme. I guess it works, but whatever. Go ride Cyclone instead.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Inversions Pace Intensity

    Top tier invert. Nobody talks about it, yet it's absolutely awesome. Each inversion is very whippy and the ride as a whole is extremely forceful. The drop is also my favorite one on an invert.

  • Benjamin Andrews

    Airtimes Location Rattle

    Very underrated woodie. Has fantastic airtime, which is literally the sole purpose of the ride. It also is perfectly located over the water and has a great color scheme. It's definitely not smooth, but it's still a great ride.