• Daniel Stark

    Comfort Fun Theming Disappointing!

    Being this my first hypercoaster, it disappointed me. The drop was not nearly as impressive as I had expected, and the airtimes, although fun, weren't that good. Also, the theming is one of the worst in the park, specially for me, as I'm not into cars. Just a dull queue with a couple of automobiles and some pictures. The ride itself isn't decorated whatsoever, it just flies over the parking! I mean, this isn't precisely at a Six Flags. On the contrary, the trains were comfortable, and as typical for B&M, the four-people-per-row disposition offers a high capacity, which, combined with the park's great ops that manage to keep three trains moving without almost any wating, reduces the queue times a great deal. However, the coaster itself is pretty bland, and the layout, unoriginal, just one hill after another. I felt that after a couple of hills, none of them provided any new experience, and as all the air was floater, the pace was quite improvable.

  • Daniel Stark

    First Drop Theming Fun Capacity

    I'm not very fond of Wild Mouses in general, and yet this is the best I have ridden. The theming, specially in the queue and surroundings, is really nice, as typical at the park, and the lift is fun. One of the main pros is the first drop, as, for a Wild Mouse, it`s pretty good. This is mainly because it is placed right after the lift, before losing height in the curves, so it is as high as possible. However, what follows that drop isn't pretty much, just the common turns with strong laterals. One major drawback is the capacity: in spite of the park's superb operatives, this ride mostly has at least 30 min of queue, even on quiet days, making it not very rerideable for what it is. But definetely worth riding once, and not only for the credit.

  • Daniel Stark

    Theming Capacity Disappointing! Discomfort

    It truly has a wonderful theming and story, with an awesome soundtrack played at the queue and lift area, and the small spacecraft museum over the queue is a nice extra point. Moreover, the part after the lift, where you zigzag between the towers, provides wonderful views of the park, (even better than the ones that Euro-Tower offers). Nonetheless, the ride itself is pretty bland, and a bit uncomfortable. It feels a bit old, and it dissapointed me, having expected something more intense, more like Maurer's spinnings (the good ones, such as Tarántula). It was even worse when I rode it for the second time, as both the theming and the layout had lost the element of surprise. One good thing, the capacity was better than Maurer's with this bigger trains.

  • Daniel Stark

    Theming Location Pace Theming

    Best coaster at the park. It's got GCI's typical awesome pacing going through a great, nonstop layout, and although the ride lacks some strong forces and higher speed, it's incredible what they've done with so little heigh. Besides, this is obviously meant to be a family coaster, and despite that it's thrilling enough and really fun. The duelling is also an extra point. The location, over the lake, is gorgeous, and the coaster stands firmly seen from the area nearby, specially from the Vliegende Hollander's square. Nothing to do with the hideous Python. The theming could be improved, specially taking into account the park's standards, since, apart from the animatronic dragon, and perhaps a nice station, it is hardly decorated. However, it has a soundtrack which really stands out, my favourite of the park, which is really memorable and full of action; perfectly fits the ride, and helps looking past the improvable theming. I don't really find any important difference between Blue and Red side; they are both awesome woodies.

  • Daniel Stark

    Theming Location Pace Theming

    Best coaster at the park. It's got GCI's typical awesome pacing going through a great, nonstop layout, and although the ride lacks some strong forces and higher speed, it's incredible what they've done with so little heigh. Besides, this is obviously meant to be a family coaster, and despite that it's thrilling enough and really fun. The duelling is also an extra point. The location, over the lake, is gorgeous, and the coaster stands firmly seen from the area nearby, specially from the Vliegende Hollander's square. Nothing to do with the hideous Python. The theming could be improved, specially taking into account the park's standards, since, apart from the animatronic dragon, and perhaps a nice station, it is hardly decorated. However, it has a soundtrack which really stands out, my favourite of the park, which is really memorable and full of action; perfectly fits the ride, and helps looking past the improvable theming. I don't really find any important difference between Blue and Red side; they are both awesome woodies.

  • Daniel Stark


    I rode this only once, early in the morning, and perhaps the coaster hadn't warmed up, or it was me that hadn't warmed up, but I found it pretty pointless. I hate those turning drops which ruin the free-fall experience, and I don't know why, but I didn't feel anything special or exciting during all the layout. It seemed pretty forceless. I don't remember having any problem with discomfort or roughness, maybe because it was cold, or due to having ridden it only once when having hardly woken up.

  • Daniel Stark

    First Drop Ejectors Hangtime

    As my first RMC, it exceeded expectations. Everybody knows how good it is. For me, best parts were the first drop (one of the best I have experienced) and the final heartline roll, providing awesome hangtime when there was hardly any speed to do anything else. The lap bars didn't bother me at all, I found them much more comfortable than many other coasters at the park with Vekoma's restraints. Finally, it was packed with the strongest airtimes I have experienced; I can't find any con (EDIT: no longer the stongest ones, RTH's drop beats that by far). It could do with more theming, perhaps, but at least it looks nice with some water, trees and the wooden structure.

  • Daniel Stark

    First Drop Nice surprise! Ejectors Theming Pointless

    Having only ridden by then Silver Star as an airtime-aimed coaster, I thought Goliath would be even worse, as it was considerably smaller. I was positively surprised to see how wrong I was. The awesome drop left me speechless, and the great ejector hill following, as well. The stengel dive was fun, and the three tiny hills by the end provided nice ejector, too. However, the rest of the ride was pointless; no, worse, it was uncomfortable. The two huge helixes were both boring and painful. I like negative Gs, but that day I learnt that I'm not a fan sustained positive Gs. They are great in valleys, transitions and sharp turns, as they provide instensity and pacing, but a whole, never-ending element designed only to give positives is just pointless and not enjoyable. Moreover, the ride has absolutely no theming. In spite of all that, I consider it to be the park's second best (behind Untamed, of course).

  • Daniel Stark

    Theming Layout

    I would have listed "First Drop" as a con. Being this my first dive coaster, it didn't live up to my (actually rather low) expectations. Of course, the theming is outstanding, nice pre-shows, pleasant soundtrack and it stands wonderfully from outside. However, the layout itself isn't much, a nice immelman and a zero-G roll, but the helix is too slow and pointless. I understand this kind of coasters are usually short, but duration is not what bothers me. It's just a big family ride, not as intense and breath-taking as I would have liked it to be. And worst of all is the drop. I have experienced many drops which do not even come close to vertical, and yet are far better than this one. Perhaps the problem is height, I don't know, and that the train is stopped facing down too soon, in my opinion. That's what ruins the ride. Unless you are at the front, you will be sitting nearly horizontally until the drop actually beggings, ruining the characteristic "dive factor". In comparison to Vekoma's Giant Inverted Boomerangs, whose hanging experience while climbing up that amazing drop really stands out, Baron 1898 feels like a kiddie coaster.

  • Daniel Stark

    Theming Fun Disappointing!

    I must admit, I expected too much from this. From other reviews, I had imagined a whole, long and gorgeous dark-ride section before the coaster part, but there was almost nothing, too short. The area around the ride is really cosy, and a nice, memorable music is played. The queue is quite well themed, and the station is huge and really impressive. The coaster part is not too much, but it's fun, and intense enough for a family coaster.