• David Parrett

    It’s a standard wild mouse, mercifully with no spinning. The one thing going for it is the unique international themed cars from different countries shaped a little like toboggans.

  • David Parrett

    Theming Nice surprise!

    Since La Ronde has so many clones of rides from other parks, the real two unique rides are the wood coaster Monster and this Dragon indoor dark ride and I definitely enjoyed this ride. Like most indoor coasters, the track has to weave around inside a building but within the constraints it’s a wonderful family coaster that is smooth and has fun dragon theming inside. I definitely prefer this to any other indoor coaster I’ve ridden, including the new Intamin indoor DarKoaster at Busch Gardens Williamsburg.

  • Along 4 The Ride

    First Drop Fun Layout Rattle Too short

    Beat my expectations. The first drop was fun. It has a good layout, but several parts were rattly. Was it worth $8 for one ride? Eh.

  • David Parrett

    Monster is another 5 star wood coaster that is brought down by the park management’s refusal to properly maintain it in like new condition with fresh lumber and partial rebuilds it needs every year. As it is now, it’s barely enjoyable because you just spend the entire time bracing your body for each rough bang and jolt. Waiting in the queue you are surrounded by rotting ancient wood supports that look unsafe. It’s a shame and it’s unfortunately all too common at amusement parks consumed by shortsighted greed.

  • David Parrett

    I usually really enjoy the Batman clones but this one just seemed a bit more forceful and crazy than previous ones, which many folks here would love I guess but to me was not great. It’s not very re-rideable for me.

  • David Parrett


    Goliath is a fairly standard B&M hyper that is good but not great. It’s smooth and fun and has decent airtime.

  • Elan G.

    Pace Smoothness Ejectors

    Easily my new favorite. I was able to ride it once, in the front. Unfortunately, it wasn’t dueling. Huge bummer, but I knew going in that it probably wouldn’t duel and I was going to focus on the ride itself. It was amazing, even without the dueling. The airtime is so awesome. The first drop and every single airtime hill gave solid ejector. If this is the airtime on Twisted Colossus, I cannot imagine what the airtime on the larger RMC’s is like. The inversions are also very fun. The stall gives this inverted floating sensation, while the zero g roll is a little whippier. This thing also silky smooth. Smoothest coaster I’ve ever been on. Of course the biggest downside is the lack of dueling. What’s the point of a dueling coaster if it doesn’t duel? I think they could easily fix it if they had an automated system to hold the green side until the blue gets to the lift. Either that or run all three trains but I'm not sure if that's possible. Dueling or not, this and West Coast Racers feel really long since you go around twice. It’s still an outstanding experience and was a blast to ride.

  • Elan G.

    Location Fun Dead spots

    Rode it near the front. It’s fun. But the turns are definitely not smooth. I think they should have just had one lift hill and have it go all the way to the top.The brakes are also oddly bumpy. It would be cool if it’s timed perfectly, you could get a great view of Full Throttle while riding this.

  • Hamish Booton

    First Drop Comfort Too short

    very good ride can be a bit rough but launch is very good

  • Hamish Booton

    Launch Harness Layout Rattle

    amazing launch, and great tophat.