• Chris J.

    First Drop Inversions

    Not my favorite dive but still has some great moments. The first drop is great and I do enjoy the added inversions in the second half. Fun coaster.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Location Duration

    Magnum isn't always the most comfortable but if you can overlook that it is an amazing ride. The setting on the beach is super cool and the hills on the way out are fun, but the return trip is where it really shines. The hills give amazing airtime, especially in row three. They might be a bit rough but they are still super fun.

  • Chris J.

    Inversions Intensity Layout

    A true old-school invert. It's one of my favorites with its compact layout and whippy inversions. The layout and the helix at the end are full of positives.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Layout Duration

    One of my favorite coasters. A lot of people say it's not quite as good as the best in the world anymore but I still think it's up there. The first drop is phenomenal and the first turn provides some great G's. Both big airtime hills provide awesome floater and the turns give a great sense of speed. It's a classic that still holds up to this day.

  • Chris J.

    Launch Intensity Layout

    My favorite ride at Cedar Point. The whole ride is so intense and fun. The first half has some awesome low-to-the-ground transitions and airtime moments, including an underrated first drop, but the second half is even better. The second launch is one of the best out there and then the wild transitions are unlike anything I've ever felt. Love Maverick.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Layout Duration

    The perfect combination of quality and quantity. It's got everything you want really. So much airtime all in one ride. Every hill delivers. I think the inversions on this are all super fun as well. The final hills all in a row send you flying out of control.

  • Chris J.

    Location Layout Duration

    Vortex was alright. It wasn't too rough and it had a cool setting and layout but I think whatever will replace it will be much better.

  • Chris J.

    Was much better than the other two U.S. Vekoma flyers. Was not nearly as rough but still wasn't anything special.

  • Chris J.


    Did not care for this one. Found it to be quite rough and enjoyable.

  • Chris J.

    Theming Location

    Really good mine train. The theming at the end is excellent and I love the wooded setting.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Fun

    Both sides of this are really fun. You get good airtime pops and the racing aspect is super fun. Great classic.

  • Chris J.

    Location Fun

    Pretty fun ride that feels secluded from the rest of the park. The swinging is fun and it fills a nice spot in the park's lineup. Always good for a ride.

  • Chris J.

    Location Fun Duration

    Who doesn't like the Beast? It's long and fun. A trip through the woods on the Beast is great. The double helix is incredible and you really feel like you're so far away from the rest of the park.

  • Chris J.

    Intensity Layout Duration

    My second favorite invert. It's long and has a great layout. Every element delivers. It has gotten a tad bit rattly but it's ok because no head banging with the vest restraints. Great ride.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Duration

    A solid hyper. Far from my favorite but it's pretty good. The first few hills are very strong but the longer the ride goes on the weaker the air gets to me. I do like going out into the woods and the splash down, but it isn't the best-paced ride in the world.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes First Drop Fun

    A great ride that I could ride over and over. The first drop is phenomenal and the rest of the ride is both intense and graceful. Every hill provides elite airtime. The ending helix is great too.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Location Layout

    My favorite GCI. I love everything about this ride. It's full of airtime, it's got atmosphere, the trains are cool, the entrance plaza and sign are cool, and the shed is cool. It's super smooth and runs fast. Every hill out in the woods delivers. Super re-rideable as well.

  • Chris J.

    Fun Layout Duration

    Good GCI with lots of laterals and little airtime pops. It's large for a tiny park like Beech Bend. Never once had to wait for it and had multiple rides with just my group. It's good but not one of the best GCIs I've done.

  • Chris J.

    Decent wooden coaster. Not too rough and there are a couple moments of airtime in the front row.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Fun

    Very good family wooden coaster. Great pops of airtime and very smooth.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes First Drop Layout

    My favorite ride in the park. The first drop is amazing and one of my favorites. The rest of the ride is full of airtime and whip. So much ejector packed into one small footprint.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Inversions Layout

    Excellent RMC. Not their very best as it is smaller and shorter but it's unique and intense. The barrel roll drop is excellent and every element that follows is strong. The airtime hills give great ejector and each inversion offers a unique feeling.

  • Chris J.

    Theming Fun

    A quirky old indoor ride. Definitely one I try to get on each visit for the novelty.

  • Chris J.

    Fun Smoothness Capacity

    Great family coaster. Wish it could run more than one train though. The area is very well done and the ride fits in perfectly.

  • Chris J.

    Theming Inversions Intensity

    Not the smoothest ride in the world but it's still very good. The theming on the ride and in the area around it is excellent. The first half is weird but fun. The second half is excellent with a tremendous drop and those final two inversions.

  • Chris J.

    Theming Launch Fun

    A very good family coaster. Tame but enjoyable. The theming and launches are fun and the backwards portion makes it unique.

  • Chris J.

    Inversions Fun Intensity

    It's a short but sweet ride. The first drop is great and the loops all pull great G's. I do wish it was a bit longer.

  • Chris J.

    Airtimes Intensity Layout

    A great GCI. The retracking in recent years did wonders. It's smooth, fast, and intense. The way it weaves around itself with airtime pops in between is great. One of the better GCIs.

  • Chris J.


    Not fun.

  • Chris J.


    Better than most SLCs thanks to the new trains but it's still just an SLC.