• Stormin Norman

    Pace Smoothness Discomfort

    Rode wildcat as a teenager and every year since then I’ve been dropping it on my over all list

  • Stormin Norman

    Intensity Layout Headbanging Disappointing! Discomfort

    Janky janky janky.. I’m so glad it’s gone now so I won’t punish myself and rise it multiple times every visit. It’s a horrible SLC the restraints hurt it’s just overall not comfortable

  • Stormin Norman

    First Drop Inversions Layout Rattle Headbanging

    Raptor is a good B&M invert I love its layout and intensity it just whips you around but it also has a rattle and can be rough. And for that reason it’s towards the bottom of my inverts list. It’s intense but not Montu intense, it has a rattle and can be rough when Banshee is everything but. I can say Raptor is better than some of the Batman clones

  • Stormin Norman

    Location Too short

    My son loved this ride when he was 6 the ride was boring to me but Tristan had a blast

  • Stormin Norman

    Airtimes Layout Rattle

    There are some Janky moments I can’t call them elements red and blue are both the same to me.

  • Stormin Norman

    Airtimes Layout Rattle

    Good airtime in the back row but can be slow on some curves it’s a really fun ride when their running both sides it’s funny because whatever side I’m on we always win

  • Stormin Norman

    Fun Capacity

    Standard kids ride I’ll give it props for being smooth

  • Stormin Norman


    Worst ride ever

  • Stormin Norman

    Comfort Theming Tear it down! Pointless

    Worst ride in the park

  • Stormin Norman


    Its a kids ride not the best and not the worst

  • Stormin Norman

    Theming Smoothness Capacity

    Dark knight is the best wild mouse I've ever rode, I dont like these type of rides that much but because of the way you get jerked around but this one is kinda fun

  • Stormin Norman

    Theming Inversions Headbanging

    The first drop was a surprise the theming is on point some call it a classic I call it just ok the double corkscrew reminded me of corkscrew at cedar point and that ride is thankfully being torn down. Loops were ok I was uncomfortable during the whole ride but I have ridden worse before.

  • Stormin Norman

    Inversions Fun Intensity Too short

    I've never been on a 4D free spin before and I can't count how many spins in this really short ride but I even got stalled upside down, I had no idea what to expect and I had a blast now the bar can get tight through out the right but I couldn't stop laughing the whole time, great ride

  • Stormin Norman

    Fun Capacity Dead spots

    Another coaster at Great America that lots of people have nostalgia for and I don't. So that's why I was so surprised when I enjoyed the ride so much the layout is cool the whole ride is unique it's most definitely a family coaster

  • Stormin Norman

    Location Rattle

    I found the blue side to be really rough through the Helix. I like the red side more because of the extra airtime I think it's maybe one extra airtime hill on Red. I don't have the nostalgia for Red or Blue like some do but I would say I favor the Racer at Kings Island more than the Blue side but not the Red.

  • Stormin Norman

    Airtimes Nice surprise! Rattle Headbanging

    It's not the smoothies ride in the world and whenever you mention RMC and American Eagle all of a sudden die-hard fans come out of the woodwork... It's fast you can't say it's boring. The first drop is ok and the ride does pick up the pace and the airtime hills save this coaster. I also had multiple night rides so that experience changed the way I look at this ride overall. Reds definitely better

  • Stormin Norman

    Nice surprise! Launch Too short

    I love the front row and also the back row it's a really weird style of coasters and the ride opps are always amazing. Some say it is underrated and others say it's overrated.

  • Stormin Norman

    Airtimes Nice surprise! Rattle

    It's really rough but this coaster is a lateral machine the airtime is good it makes me wonder how good Viper was in its earlier years, I bet it was awesome.

  • Stormin Norman

    Pace Intensity Headbanging Harness

    I know this invert is old but it's still fast and crazy fun I know they say this is the OG and the other ones are clones, but the OG isn't as good as Montu or Deuling Dragon I'll even put Banshee over The batman but I'll say their isnt much Rattle and the pacing is really good so this Batman ride is a thumbs up for me

  • Stormin Norman

    Intensity Hangtime Dead spots

    It's a good flying coaster but far from the best I've experienced the pretzel loop isn't as forceful as some of the other ones but it's not bad at all. It's a fun thrilling right

  • Stormin Norman

    Inversions Nice surprise! Dead spots

    It's not my favorite Wing coaster but it's still a smooth I love the inversions the first drop is great you get hang time and near miss greatness that I look for on these rides X - flight delivered

  • Stormin Norman

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Rattle

    It's a RMC coaster but I don't understand how its rated the best Coaster at Great America when it's my least favorite RMC? Yeah the Zero-G Stall is excellent and overbanks, then crazy tunnels the first drop is the best part but RMC has made better rides though out the years.

  • Stormin Norman

    Airtimes First Drop Layout

    The pre-drop on Raging Bull causes the front part of the train to start going down the hill while the back part is still on the straight track. If you're in the back section, you see all the rows in front of you disappear, and then all the weight of the train pulls you, so you go flying down the hill, experiencing a lot of sustained ejector. It's definitely my favorite ride in the park and has surpassed many B&M hypers on my list.

  • Stormin Norman

    Lap Bar Launch Smoothness Too short

    I've ridden a dragster where you accelerate from 0-120 mph in 2.8 seconds. But the acceleration on Maxx Force just seems like the fastest I've ever experienced. The launch was intense and the ride is fun, but it suffers from the same problem that top thrill dragster did. The duration of the dragster ride was 30 seconds long, and Maxx Force is even shorter at 23 seconds. Top Thrill Dragster realized that and made their 30-second ride a 2-minute ride.

  • Stormin Norman

    Inversions Nice surprise! Smoothness

    Banshee is a great B&M invert I can't find much wrong with it. It's just that other inverts are more forceful and that's what I look for on these rides.

  • Stormin Norman

    Airtimes Ejectors Harness

    It's a old goat but I still like this ride even if it hurts sometimes. I never leave Cedar Point without multiple rides on this old monster.

  • Stormin Norman

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Dead spots

    - Great B&M Hyper I think it’s second only to Diamondback because I love Diamondback. Mako didn’t have that punch I was looking for. Floater hills are amazing I marathoned Mako 8 straight times before a big crowd showed up... 4 star coaster.

  • Stormin Norman

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors

    Orion opened in July of 2020 but I went to the First Rider Auction Night that was on July 1st, 2020. I was able to ride Orion 18 times that night. Over the years now I've ridden in pretty much every row and in multiple different times of day and weather conditions. Imo night time is the best to ride as well as right after a downpour when the track is wet. It's a toss-up between front or back, but right now I'm leaning towards the back row since I love getting whipped through the elements. you get snapped over the first drop in the back row. The front row isn’t as good as the back row, yes the visuals and the wind in your face are awesome and you’ll get a front-row seat for that 300ft 85 degree drop but that’s about it the forces just aren’t there. Now front row rides in the rain are different, Orion seems to run much faster in the rain and thankfully Kings Island doesn’t shut down its coasters because of rain 10 miles away like all the Florida parks. A front-row ride on Orion in the rain was an insane experience, it felt even more intense because of all the rain hitting me in the face. I can’t lie it was painful but that didn’t stop me from marathoning until I couldn’t anymore. Orion is quality over quantity Orion has so many good elements, The turnaround with the dive down( just like Fury325) the kinda wave turn The camelback gives good floater airtime The Helix is unique and very forceful the way you twist up and then twist down gives massive positive G’s with intensity. And the speed hill Coming off the turnaround gives good airtime and I can’t think of many B&M’s with a speed hill like that other than maybe Mako. The twisted dip before the breaks might be the best part of the ride. Now The first drop is amazing it seems to not level out like some other coasters so that 300ft drop just seems steeper and I love that about Orion. Overall you get Great Lateral airtime, yes The pop into the break is pointless but It’s got Positive G’s and Negative G’s with laterals The drop alone is worth the wait. The King's Island opps run Orion flawlessly 3 trains running with good load times and it’s always a train on the lift hill. Sad to say but That’s not the case for Millennium Force and Intimidator 305 The lift hill is quiet and fast the ride is so good you can’t believe that it’s been 3 minutes already. Orion’s theming is also top tier everything in Area 72 is, the former X-BASE

  • Stormin Norman

    Airtimes Intensity Ejectors

    Voyage is intense from start to finish. The first drop is amazing for what it is, It’s the steepest drop on a wooden coaster at 66° and airtime is amazing in the back row, now in the front row it’s like you are manning a runaway locomotive giving massive positive g’s. Voyage is aggressive and it's one wild ride, where this ride shines most is with it's pacing it's like your Speeding through bank turns and airtime hills it seems like the ride never ends. Then a 107ft camelback gives great floater and the second hill that stands 100ft has a twist at the top so you get floater and laterals. The third hill drops into one of the 7 tunnels you’ll counter during your 2:45 minute ride of madness. Now the spaghetti bowl was pure chaos the train felt completely out of control multiple 90° turns followed by another tunnel, then bank to the left bank to the right into a bunny hill with just pure speed and reckless abandonment you’ll get violently ejector airtime followed by elite negative G-forces ejector airtime throughout the whole ride. The speed and that layout makes the ride even more Forceful on the return run it’s like an out and back on steroids, Voyage somehow makes the last third of its layout the wildest part of the ride! The speed the extremeness of the forces are insane wow what a wild ride this is, it will leave you out of breath it’s my favorite wood coaster of all time now we must go through all that again in complete darkness. Night rides are so great and it won’t matter where you sit because every row will be madness at night when you can’t see anything and your hauling ass being thrown around for 6,442.0 ft of track in complete darkness. So you can’t see any of the transitions or changes of the direction you're at the mercy of this runaway train, taking that triple down at night in pitch-black darkness through that loud tunnel on your way back to the station its all incredible and kind of scary at night. can’t wait to get back. 10/10

  • Stormin Norman

    Theming Lap Bar Reliability

    Alpha seems a little jerky it's not aggressive at all and that's what I look for in most of my roller-coasters but theming is great and it's a blast to ride