• Maddux W.

    Capacity Location Fun Reliability

    This wasn't a clone, to start with. Six Flags installed this as a terrain coaster, and the other 2 Superman flying coasters were cloned off this. It works with its terrain amazingly, and despite it usually getting slow op teams, the 4-across seating usually makes up for Six Flags' 2 train operations. This is the first coaster to go down in the park on a rainy day, sadly, and pushes its line to its neighbor, Battle For Metropolis. It's an overall enjoyable coaster, not elite but still a B&M.

  • Maddux W.

    Inversions Pace Ejectors Intensity

    This is too good to be true. 19 million dollar RMC I-Box a few miles from family. This is my 4th most ridden coaster, and those 26 rides come from two days- 1 solo ride and 25 when I came back 2 weeks later knowing how elite this ride is. Before I went to Cedar Point, this was my #2 out of almost 50 credits, #1 being Velocicoaster. Now it sits at #4, VERY close to Fury 325. My favorite part of the ride is the two extreme hand chopper barrel rolls, you go into those with WAY too much speed and it is absolutely elite. When you go through the stall, look down. I've ridden this in hot, dry Georgia sun with a full train then 4 hours later in pouring rain. The former was the best ride I've ever gotten on a coaster, and the latter still being a top 10 ride. My thighs were in pain for the next 3 days due to the power of the quint-down at the end, which is epic towards the middle, actually. Go help Fun Spot pay for this, it's an elite ride that needs to be experienced, and they need the funding to keep it around. Fingers crossed for Thanksgiving!

  • Maddux W.

    First Drop Intensity Capacity

    The Original Giga coaster is elite, and still mostly holds up to the newer ones. I got back to Carowinds to give this & Fury 325 a fair comparison, and while this has an amazing back row ride, it takes 2nd on my giga list, which will hopefully expand this year with a trip to King's Dominion. I could ride this all day if SteVe and Maverick weren't in the park, and this still has intensity in the back row that Maverick can't pull off, it will sit at my number 6 for now. It's worth the wait, I promise. Don't look at the 45 minute queue and think "I can get back to this later;" night rides are a 2+ hour wait, and you'll spend the last 20 minutes of that staring at spiders.

  • Maddux W.

    Airtimes Theming Fun Layout

    First off, an RMC is an RMC. Doesn't matter if it's this or Arieforce, it's going to be elite. This may be the weakest RMC I've ridden, but don't sleep on it. When everything's running slow in the morning, this is hauling your rear out of the seat at 10:30. It might be lacking in size & length, but with a shorter length comes persistent speed. The only bad moment on this ride is when you hit the brakes. You hit them HARD. This has top of the line pacing, a unique albeit short layout, and probably the best theming I've seen on a thrill park coaster. It's theme is there, but doesn't overtake the area, except for one of my favorite parts of Six Flags Over Georgia: the soundtrack. This area plays Surfin' USA, Surf City, you name it, and it ties in amazingly with the theme. I'm definitely over hyping the theming, by the way. It's beach rocks, broken rowboats, and hurricane newspapers in the queue. I wonder if they'll update that to include Helene & Milton? Ride this, or you miss out on one of Over Georgia's 3 elite coasters. Also, I love old RMC restraints for some reason, it makes this a lot more re-rideable than Arieforce One nearby at Fun Spot Atlanta.

  • Maddux W.

    Capacity Inversions Intensity

    Over Georgia is a home park, I've ridden this dozens of times and experienced its intensity. I haven't ridden any other Batclones, but this was so much better than Raptor, and just behind Afterburn. This is honestly the life of the Gotham city area, and I know why it deserves the hype. It is relentless throughout its course, and has 3 whippy inversions right off the bat with the 2 extreme loops & zero-g roll. Top 5 ride in the park, and that's saying something. I only wish Gotham wasn't so annoying to go down to for just this and possibly a ride on Mindbender.

  • Maddux W.

    Capacity Rattle

    A little shaky, but I expected it and enjoyed it a little bit. My biggest pro was that it had virtually no line, the opening crowd entirely skipped it & Valravn. It is the 3rd best woodie I've been on sitting behind Coastersaurus at Legoland Florida, but Cedar Point needs to keep this around for families. They can get a Gravity Group somewhere else in the park.

  • Maddux W.

    Theming Launch Layout

    I get that Disney prefers heavy theming & building a full experience, but this leans way too heavily into the theming aspect. They could have pulled back from that for the 2nd launch, and did it Big Bear style so that you actually get some speed, instead of stopping so an audio piece can play then accelerating slower than Copperhead Strike. Mack really needs to step up their game on their launches, just based on their ones I've ridden.

  • Maddux W.

    Rattle Discomfort Pointless

    Three letters: R. M. C. Give Carowinds something worthwhile. Please. Gravity Group, maybe? Carowinds could have an elite big 3 right next to one another: Fury 325, a more modern Twisted Timbers, & then a massive Gravity Group woodie sitting on the Slaughterhouse scarehouse behind Carolina Cyclone.

  • Maddux W.

    Inversions Fun Intensity Headbanging

    For some reason, I love this ride. No idea why, but it's undeservingly high in my rankings. It's just a fun, powerful B&M. I'd give it 5 but I know it isn't.

  • Maddux W.


    Sea Serpent has some actually powerful laterals! The ride op didn't blink an eye seeing a teenager trying to fit their legs into the tiny car. Fun Spot is obviously the best park out there :) I'd guess ~2.3 meters tall for the page.

  • Maddux W.

    Theming Capacity

    I got a VR ride way back when, I feel like I should give it some credit for that. When it reopened from Covid without it, it went back to being your standard large-park wild mouse. The VR did sync up opening week though. I feel bad for people that got unsynced rides.

  • Maddux W.

    Fun Capacity

    Deservant of being part of Cedar Point's lineup.

  • Maddux W.

    Lap Bar Inversions Hangtime Capacity Layout

    Heck, I'll give it 5 for the Jojo roll. The hangtime on that and the first loop is elite, I love how they took advantage of where they could risk trains rolling back. The launches don't do much, but they don't really need to, this ride lets its inversions shine and puts everything else on the back burner. Sadly, it runs out of inversions pretty quickly. The layout does enough to give it a complete ride experience, I just wish they could have slapped another couple inversions in there. Rider tip: Hold your feet out. Also, Mr. Wesley O, if you look back at this, this is a Mack multi-launch, not an Intamin blitz. Just wanted to let you know.

  • Maddux W.

    Airtimes Capacity Duration Layout

    I miss the Intrimidator theming. The queue was pretty boring, though thankfully the line was moving fast due to the reason I bumped this up to 4.5 stars: The Ops were dedicated. They were rolling trains, probably 40 seconds parked MAXIMUM. They were absolutely amazing, I have only ever seen this efficient of a crew on SteVe. Shoutout to whoever was on that shift (my ride was at about 22:00 October 5). Not my favorite hyper, but still a good ride.

  • Maddux W.

    Airtimes Comfort Masterpiece Capacity

    I got back to sCarowinds 2 years after my past ride, and now having experienced Millenium Force, I know the power of a Giga. My first ride was front row. I swapped this & Millenium Force on my rankings instantly. #3 overall, my face got torn off & my stomach was left on the lift hill stairs. Full train, dry 85 degree weather, that gave me my 5th best ride on any roller coaster. I'll see if I can get a night ride on my next visit.

  • Maddux W.

    Inversions Fun Intensity Discomfort

    This was my first looping coaster-I rode it before the "refurbishment." It was a little janky & rough, but mostly just intense. Then, Six Flags made the decision to retrack it & take out the (I believe) second loop, and it started to rip through its course. This is NOT a good thing, you hit every lateral like it's Pegasus' brake run and it made what used to be a fun old Schwarzkopf looper and made unbearable. I still ride it, but only once. Six Flags, I can't believe I'm saying this, but trim it. Also, maybe make the brake run a bit more gradual? You get flung forward into the lap bar, and URGH. Last ride in 2023, though, so maybe it's gotten better. I was just remembering my rides after going on the Carolina Cyclone.

  • Maddux W.

    Airtimes Fun Duration

    Nonstop hand choppers, amazing pops of airtime, honestly is #2 in the park. Whoever says it has rattle didn't ride it in 2024, you can hear it and feel it, but it just adds to the elite woodie experience, no discomfort from it whatsoever. I need a night ride now...

  • Maddux W.

    Theming Masterpiece Layout Discomfort

    Ride row 7, train 2, left side. Top 5 layout, if only they had chosen a better launch subcontractor. Dollywood, now that you've given up on its title, can we get a full steel retracking for 2025?

  • Maddux W.

    Theming Nice surprise!

    Nostalgia fuels this review. I rode this so much as a toddler, I accredit this to my step into the coaster world.

  • Maddux W.

    Intensity Headbanging Capacity Layout

    Boring, Carowinds ran one train and we waited 3 hours during a school week. I'm not suggesting this be torn down & sold for scrap, I'm saying send it to Valleyfair. Not all B&M stand-ups are this bad, the Georgia Scorcher has a good layout and I weirdly enjoy the jankiness of the floorless conversion Rougarou, but this was before B&M learned how to make a good ride. Take it out of Six Flags' next headliner park and send it to one where it has a chance of being appreciated. Maybe its plot could fit that Dive we've been looking for?

  • Maddux W.

    Airtimes First Drop Capacity

    This B&M mini hyper packs a punch. My other B&M hyper credit is Intimidator (Thunderstriker) at Carowinds, and that didn't do much. I'm here to give the devil it's due, with this being my most ridden coaster by far. Dozens of visits to Six Flags Over Georgia, every time I wait for this to warm up then go get in 4-5 rides to drink up all that elite floater. The helix has some amazing crushing G's, with a raw power that I've only seen so far on Millenium Force. This has amazing scenery, leaving & coming back into the park and just soaring over the walkways and sending a rumble through the ground around its footers. One of my personal favorites, it's in my top 10 and I'm hoping its' repaint will help it show its dominance better than a faded orange track.

  • Maddux W.

    Airtimes Capacity Ejectors Layout

    I had an absolutely elite 9 rides, SteVe has the best total package of any coaster I've ridden of my poor 50 credits. The ride crew was amazingly efficient, and 3 trains... My home park is Six Flags Over Georgia, so that's just epic for me. Mr. Schilke, thank you for this masterpiece.