• Chermaine S.


    Nothing special about the ride itself, just your standard Zierer. The theming in the queue really positively surprised me though, Plopsaland did a great job with the transformation from Viktor's Race to #LikeMe Coaster. The new name has to be a candidate for the worst coaster name in history though.

  • Chermaine S.

    Dead spots

    With all the big coasters at Walibi Holland, Drako is always a fun little ride in between. The main problem I have with Drako is that it slows down too much after the first drop. Walibi should build a better family coaster in the future.

  • Chermaine S.


    Just your standard Vekoma Junior Coaster. Nothing wrong with the layout, it's perfect for families, but the problem was the atrocious capacity. Operations were slow and I had to wait 45 minutes for this credit. And, well, having to stare at those K3 statues for so long gets a bit uncomfortable after a while as well.

  • Chermaine S.

    Capacity Discomfort Layout

    I hate wild mouse coasters and this is one of the worst ones I've ridden. The turns give painful laterals and the hills don't do anything other than making you hold on for dear life. And as if the ride wasn't bad enough already, then the sudden final brakerun kicks in. If I have to ride a wild mouse, give me a Mack instead of a Maurer please.

  • Chermaine S.

    Theming Disappointing!

    Easily the worst Mack powered coaster I've ridden. It's too slow and the layout is boring. At least the theming is pretty nice with the medieval castle as the station building.

  • Chermaine S.

    Smoothness Capacity

    Out of all the wild mouse coasters I've ridden, this is easily the best one. I still don't like the tight turns found on this type of coaster, but Matterhorn Blitz doesn't hurt at all. The first drop also isn't bad at all and the theming is great, as expected from Europa-Park.

  • Chermaine S.

    Smoothness Pointless Layout

    Light Explorers is just boring. It's one straight line across the water and doesn't do anything in terms of forces. Just why would you build a second Vekoma Family Boomerang that's worse than the one you already have?

  • Chermaine S.

    Smoothness Pointless

    Frida is just another credit at Energylandia. At least it is smooth and has a little bit of airtime in the back at the drop, but the rest of the ride is just plain boring and forgettable.

  • Chermaine S.

    Theming Layout

    Julianatoren got themselves the perfect coaster for their target audience. Yes the ride isn't great but it's perfect for little kids. I myself thought it was pretty fun for what it was: the drop while spinning was nice and it goes around 5 times, which considering the length of this coaster is a great amount. The theming is also done really well, especially Mount Muismore is a great addition.

  • Chermaine S.


    This ride is just...weird. The layout is really weird with it being a simple square shape. The spinning is pretty forceful though, but that cannot save the bad layout this ride has.

  • Chermaine S.

    Capacity Discomfort

    Another wild mouse coaster and another one I don't like. I'm just not a fan of the sharp turns and pointless drops. I feel like it's a little less painful than Ghost Chasers at Movie Park Germany though.

  • Chermaine S.

    Capacity Discomfort Layout

    I'm not a fan of wild mouse coasters and I never will be. The sharp turns are pointless and the drops just make me hold on for dear life. The track also looks like it's in desperate need of refurbishment, it looks very rusty. Was kinda worried the track would fall apart at one point haha. And don't even get me started on the bad capacity!

  • Chermaine S.


    At least it's an improvement over De Waarbeeks previous coaster (Goldmine Express). Also have to give it props for being my first Wacky Worm.

  • Chermaine S.


    This one really wasn't that bad. But why does it have to go around 4 times? Kinda had enough of it after 2 rounds already!

  • Chermaine S.

    Discomfort Layout

    With how many bad kiddie coasters Energylandia has, this one is just plain forgettable. I remember it being not very comfortable though.

  • Chermaine S.


    If you love laterals and nothing else, this ride is for you :) Seriously, that's all this ride does. For a kiddie coaster it's just not fun.

  • Chermaine S.

    Theming Discomfort Tear it down!

    This ride sucks. Too many painful laterals and the excessive amount of theming gives me a sensory overload. Energylandia, you've got some beautiful coasters, but your SBFs do not belong on that list.

  • Chermaine S.

    Discomfort Tear it down!

    The vest restraints thank goodness removed the headbanging, but that doesn't mean this ride became good. It's still very shaky and uncomfortable and I feel like the restraint comes down during the ride, so whenever I hit the final brakerun, my legs were in desperate need of oxygen. Walibi, please get rid of this ride and get an STC instead, those things are SO much better.

  • Chermaine S.

    Headbanging Harness

    MP-Xpress was the 3rd SLC I rode and since I hated Vampire and Condor, I braced myself for the headbanging, but to my surprise it wasn't as bad as the previous two. Only the turn after the sidewinder beat me up pretty bad, but the rest was actually quite doable. Still hate SLCs with a passion though and I'd much rather see all of them replaced with something better.

  • Chermaine S.

    Headbanging Harness Discomfort

    The absolute worst of the worst when it comes to the Vekoma SLC. Just continuous headbanging throughout the ride. What a horrible experience this coaster is.

  • Chermaine S.

    Capacity Discomfort Tear it down!

    Even with the new vest restraints, this ride sucks, just like all Vekoma SLCs. My experience with this ride was painful and I'd much rather see Energylandia build an actual good inverted/suspended coaster. Do have to give props to the hardworking Energylandia operators for the lightning fast dispatches.

  • Chermaine S.

    Location Headbanging Disappointing! Layout

    This ride looked fun from the outside until I took a ride on it. I was already annoyed with the one-train operations that day, meaning I had to wait half an hour for this one when Fury was pretty much walk-on the day I visited Bobbejaanland. The layout really sucks, it feels like a bunch of random turns which is not very interesting. But even worse is the headbanging. This ride is rough and I did not see that coming. So yeah, I walked off this ride disappointed. The only good thing I have to say about Dream Catcher is its location above the water.

  • Chermaine S.

    Disappointing! Discomfort Pointless

    I rode Texas Twister at Julianatoren before I rode this one, and since I thought Texas Twister was pretty fun for what it was, I was expecting Happy Loops to be even more fun due to being a larger version. Oh boy was I in for a disappointment. The second lifthill and drop are completely pointless as you lose all momentum. I also hit my head pretty hard during one of the drops. I was initially also disappointed it only went around twice (compared to Texas Twister which goes around 5 times), but now I'm happy I did not have to sit longer through that abomination.

  • Chermaine S.

    Harness Discomfort Tear it down!

    This thing is at the bottom of my list for a reason. It looks like your standard wild mouse, which I'm already not a big fan of, but let me tell you, Viking is a whole different experience alright. The restraints cause A LOT of painful headbanging and the final brakerun breaks your back. The layout sucks, capacity sucks (I had to wait half an hour for this stupid +1!), restraints suck, the whole ride just straight up sucks. Please Energylandia, tear this ride down and replace it with literally ANYTHING else and I would be happy. You've already proven you can do so much better!