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Schweizer Bobbahn features
Onride Video
Reviews 2017
Theming Rattle Capacity Dead spots
Schweizer Bobbahn is a unique and somewhat iconic ride. I used to love it as a kid but re-riding it now is nothing but disappointing, I'm afraid. The low capacity often results in long queues throughout the day - personally, I wouldn't wait longer than five minutes to ride it, though. The actual coaster part is way too short and the final stretch after the break-run is a massive dead spot. The theming is great, however, and it also feels like an integral part of the Switzerland-area. If you're sitting in the back with another person in front of you, the rattle can cause quite a bit of discomfort.
Fun Rattle Harness Discomfort
The restraints are really uncomfortable and the roughness just made it painful, I could still find some fun in it tho
Theming Location Too short Dead spots
The ride itself is not that great, it doesn't do that much, but the reason I ride this at least once per visit anyway is because it's in a very pretty area and because of how different this style of ride is compared to a normal coaster.
Theming Smoothness
For some reason I just love bobsled coasters and this one is not an exception. The Swiss area looks really good and if you are sitting alone it is very comfortable. Sad to see that these types of coasters are disappearing.
Theming Fun Smoothness Too short
This is relatively smooth for a Mack Bobsled. It's especially impressive because Mack's coasters at that time weren't the smoothest. They made coasters decades later that aren't as smooth as Schweitzer Bobbahn (looking at you Poseïdon and Euro Mir). As for the elements, they aren't as good as Trace du Hourra's éléments but they're fun. The transitions are rather snappy and the turns pull decent G forces. The straight drop is unique for the genre. My only nitpick is that it's quite short. Update June 2024: I stand by what I said two months ago. A bit too short, nice theming. It is even better when you get a ride alone up front, which I did this time. Not much in terms of forces, especially when compared to Trace du Hourra. Also it seems to rattle a bit more than Trace du Hourra, but it's decently smooth. The key is to lean forwards. DO NOT rest your back on the seat, otherwise it can lead to a really shaky and unpleasent experience. It seemed to run 4 trains, and has 5 available.
Theming Rattle Too short Disappointing!
This ride is a very shaky one and has some major vibrations. It isn't long either, so it was very disappointing considering that we had of the longest queues that day. Probably the weakest coaster in the entire park.
Theming Fun Rattle Discomfort Dead spots
This Coaster has a lot of sentimental value for me, since it is on of my first coaster memories from my childhood. It was the newest most scary coaster back than. Did it age well? Not so much. The layout is ok and fun but and some dead spots. Main Problem is the comfort. If you ride it with an adult and a not super small kid it is really painful. Also 2 Person of my group had headaches after the ride,
Theming Rattle Too short Pointless
Not that good of a ride, I don't want them to "TEAR IT DOWN" because there aren't many bobsleds left, but it is short and it's constantly vibrating, that got me a major headache for the remainder of the day. Ride it once and move onto Matterhorn-Blitz or Euro-Mir. The fact that it has like 4 brakeruns is also pretty interesting.
Extra star for bobsled
Fun Layout Duration
There aren't many Bob's left, so I like the one's who still there even more. Have a star for that!
Theming Disappointing! Intensity
The ride seemed fine from the outside, but there isn't much of an exciting experience. You don't really feel anything extra through the bobsleigh type and the track doesn't offer any exciting twists. Bit short, too. Rode once, no need to come back.
Theming Capacity Dead spots
Nice theming, but not very intense, poor throughput, and unfortunately a very large piece of nothing at the end of the ride.
Theming Location Fun Too short Capacity
I think this ride is very nice, actually. Okay, it is wayyyy too short and you need to wait wayyyy too long, but the ride itself is just great and the teeming is amazing!
Theming Rattle Too short
The theming of the ride is very good but the rest isn't great the ride is short and has a bad rattle. Definitely one of the weaker coasters at Europapark.
Fun Too short Capacity
My first bobsled coaster and it was an okay ride. It's fun for what it does, it's just that it's really on the short side.
Theming Location Too short Capacity
Nice little bobsled, nothing special, I like the one at Heide Park a lot more, this is one is really short but with some nice theming added.
It's nothing special
Theming Fun Capacity Intensity
This was my first bobsleigh, and it is fun, with that uncommon half-pipe track, as well as a gorgeous theming and area which lives up to the park's standards. However, this kind of coasters can't go really fast, so it takes you quite slowly through a rather bland layout that doesn't do much, and perhaps feels a bit short. Despite this, the ride always manages to have 30 minutes waiting time at least, even though it is not nearly the best coaster at the park, making it not very rerideable.
Theming Rattle Disappointing! Dead spots
In my opinion, waiting times of 20 Minutes or more are not worth for this coaster. The Swiss village looks very nice und the ride may be something special, but the actual experience is disappointing: it lacks in intensity and the actual "coaster section" is very short. Additionally, there is a decent rattle during the faster parts and the cars are a little uncomfortable, unless you share it with someone you really like ;-)
Theming Layout
Theming is absolutely incredible, but the ride has no pros. It miss something like the one in Heide Park - it has a great indoor part.
Theming Fun
Very well themed and fun, but I wouldn't wait <30min for it.
Location Rattle Discomfort
The ride is located in the Swiss village of the Park, which looks pretty good. But the ride itself is very short and it shakes and rattles your brain around. So I guess it's kinda good that it's not too long?
Theming Smoothness Too short
The ride is in a very deeply themed swiss area with love to detail. If you have a car alone you have a comfy seat in which you almost lie inside. The ride is very smooth itself, the fast paced twists and turns are fun but thats already it. The ride in my opinion is waay to short, just when you think it starts getting awesome it just ends.
Fun Too short Harness Intensity
Fun for the most part, but as an adult the seating is pretty uncomfortable if you have to share with someone else.. would not wanna ride with some one i didnt know! Also its over too quickly, much too short and the break run/run off is the longest part of the ride!
Theming Fun Discomfort
Fun Too short
Nice surprise! Fun
Theming Location Rattle
Theming Pace Fun Rattle Too short Discomfort
Location Fun
Nice surprise! Location Fun Rattle Too short
Theming Rattle