• CoasterKing

    Launch Pace Intensity Reliability

    Wow, fantastic ride. I was genuinely blown away by this one. The ride is such an adrenaline rush, and very few rides leave me on the brakerun quite like the way this one does. The launch is so punchy and gets me every time. The ridiculously tall top hat is awesome with its views, and it may even give airtime on the ascent in the front. The camelback also provides decent airtime. A front row on this thing is one of the most awesome and underrated coaster experiences ever. That speed tries to rip your face off.

  • CoasterKing

    Airtimes Lap Bar Fun Too short

    Awesome family coaster. This was my first GG family coaster, and it definitely surprised me. The airtime is awesome, and there's a lot of it. The Timberliners are also very comfortable.

  • CoasterKing

    First Drop Theming Duration

    Very underrated ride. The dark ride portions at the beginning are very cool, followed by a great drop. Going in, I thought that the main drop was the final drop, not the first. So going into it right after the dark ride sections surprised me. The coaster section is short but still pretty fun. The ride isn't too soaking outside of this nasty dip after the initial drop.

  • CoasterKing

    First Drop Theming Intensity Discomfort

    It's a very intense ride with great drops (as with any boomerang). The atmosphere for this ride is also great with the vibrant colors, party theme, and the flavor tunnel is cool (but it doesn't work all the time). As with any boomerang, the ride is very discombobulating and can throw your senses off. It's one of the smoother boomerangs and has vests fortunately, but still.

  • CoasterKing

    Inversions Fun Too short Dead spots

    I've gotten a few rides on this over different conditions, and I never seem to get very many flips on this one. It's just not as fun when you don't flip as much. But when you do flip, it's awesome.

  • CoasterKing

    Inversions Pace Ejectors

    Actually a fantastic ride. Shocking airtime on the drop, camelback, and even the turnaround. Three great inversions ranging from awesome hangtime to awesome whip. The second half has also been running much faster this year featuring some strong floater and even weak ejector on those hills.

  • CoasterKing

    Inversions Fun Intensity Too short

    I enjoyed this freespin a lot more than the other two I've been on. Every time, I get great flips, creating a very out-of-control experience.

  • CoasterKing

    Location Duration Dead spots

    This is a very interesting suspended coaster. The first half doesn't do anything and is very janky. Then, the second half is actually pretty good. Good swinging and some light positives. The setting is also great. Definitely the weakest suspended coaster, but that second half is still pretty fun.

  • CoasterKing

    First Drop Inversions Intensity

    Very underrated. It may be my favorite Vekoma boomerang. The forces are great and very powerful. The drops are also really fun. It's also considerably smoother than the other boomerangs.

  • CoasterKing

    First Drop Pace Airtimes Lap Bar

    This ride has so much potential. It has a great layout, great pacing, and the drop gives good airtime in the back. But right after the drop, the lap bar pins you into your seat, restricting any more airtime. I tried holding it up, it doesn't matter.

  • CoasterKing

    Nice surprise! Pace Ejectors Dead spots

    This is NOT a family coaster. This ride has some of the strongest airtime in the state, let alone the park. The ride is made up of a bunch of quick hops and humps that will shoot you from your seat. The one right before the top hat in particular is insane. The backwards spike in the back also delivers awesome airtime.

  • CoasterKing

    Inversions Pace Intensity

    Great floorless. Very unique layout with some great forces. My favorite part is the low turn after the first loop. The first loop is also gigantic and offers some great hangtime. Airtime on the midcourse drop too.

  • CoasterKing

    Airtimes Inversions Hangtime Dead spots

    Actually a great floorless. It’s not the most intense, but it actually has some pretty solid airtime and has some fun inversions. The jojo roll in particular offers incredible hangtime. This ride definitely surprised me.

  • CoasterKing

    It’s a fun ride with a decent back row ride

  • CoasterKing

    Theming Fun

    Fun ride with some great theming.

  • CoasterKing

    Theming Nice surprise! Fun

    World's best family coaster. The theming is absolutely fantastic and it's without a doubt one of the most fun roller coasters ever. The onboard audio combined with ALL that theming is something special. The ride itself is actually very exciting with great launches and an awesome surprise.

  • CoasterKing

    Airtimes Location Fun

    The retrack did wonders. I used to hate this ride. The second half still has a bite, but the first half is very smooth. It's now a very enjoyable ride and moved up to the fourth best at the park. Great airtime on the drops and the setting is incredible.

  • CoasterKing

    Airtimes Inversions Fun

    This is actually a fantastic ride. I think Yukon Striker slightly edges it out as the best dive, but this is still amazing. The first drop is such a gut-punch and offers incredible sustained airtime. The second drop also offers some nice airtime. That's not even the end of the airtime. You have a quick jolt into the brakes, and then an incredible speed hill offering insanely sustained floater into the splashdown, which is a spectacle off-ride. The two inversions are also offer great positives on the way up.

  • CoasterKing

    Inversions Pace Intensity Discomfort

    WAYYYY overhated. I prefer this to Medusa. It's not the most comfortable ride, but that's to be expected. The layout is awesome and offers incredible positives and has great inversions. Ride in the front to try and minimize headbanging.

  • CoasterKing

    Inversions Location Intensity Capacity Dead spots

    Great invert, very underrated. The four inversions are all awesome, though the corkscrew can induce some headbanging. The setting is also amazing for this ride. The ending just loses a lot of speed, and the lines for this thing should not be as terrible as they are.

  • CoasterKing

    Airtimes Fun Duration Dead spots

    Great ride. It has a bit of airtime and the racing is always so much fun, especially when you're going up against your friends. It's just a smaller ride overshadowed at a park with some of the best rides out there.

  • CoasterKing

    Airtimes Fun Duration Dead spots

    Great ride. It has a bit of airtime and the racing is always so much fun, especially when you're going up against your friends. It's just a smaller ride overshadowed at a park with some of the best rides out there.

  • CoasterKing

    Discomfort Tear it down! Lap Bar

    This is one of the few roller coasters that I genuinely hate. Worst wild mouse that I’ve done. The laterals on these things suck, but this metal bar on the lap bar makes getting slammed into it very unpleasant. Not a good ride.

  • CoasterKing

    Theming Smoothness Pointless Lap Bar

    A good kids coaster with a decent drop and good theming. The nets on the lap bar are dumb.

  • CoasterKing

    Theming Inversions Rattle Dead spots Layout

    Not a very good ride, and my least favorite major coaster at Kings Island. The first half is kind of intense, but it’s very rough. After the midcourse stops you, it’s also very slow and forceless. Could go for a TLC.

  • CoasterKing

    Theming Inversions Dead spots Layout

    This is kind of an underrated ride. If you get a good seat, it’s actually pretty fun. The launch and entire first half are actually very intense. After the midcourse practically stops you though, it’s very mid. Much better than its clone.

  • CoasterKing

    Inversions Intensity Harness Discomfort Tear it down!

    Not completely terrible like everybody says. It’s pretty darn trash, but not the worst roller coaster in that area. My main problem with it is that the OTSRs are insanely bulky, and they hurt your ears. It’s also very rough.

  • CoasterKing

    Intensity Headbanging Discomfort Pointless

    This is not a good ride. It’s very intense and has good drops, but as for every boomerang, the forces are insanely uncomfortable. Especially that backwards loop. The uncomfortable forces don’t blend well with the very rough tracking of it. I don’t know why this ride is still open.

  • CoasterKing

    Theming Fun Dead spots

    Fun family coaster, but not what I was expecting at all. Many say it’s one of if not the best family coasters of all time. It’s not even my favorite in the park (not even close). The theming is fun, the launches are fun, and the backwards bit is fun, but I didn’t find it too great outside of that.

  • CoasterKing

    Location Pace Fun Dead spots

    Fun ride, but overhyped. Has nothing on the ones at Kings Island and Canada's Wonderland. It's fun and has a nice setting, but it felt more like a bigger version of Iron Dragon. The second lift hill is also a drag.