• Sean R.

    Inversions Launch Intensity

    This sneakily might be the best coaster at HP! What an absolutely killer ride. Yes, it is short (22 seconds according to the experts), but I'm not sure I could've handled much more of this intensity. The launch is as advertised - a rocket of a takeoff, but it's the remaining elements that really set this coaster beyond my expectations. The snake roll/dive was a top coaster moment for me. The fact that the lights were out as part of Hersheypark's Dark Nights theme certainly added to the experience. I loved it, front to finish. Daughter's POV: It was a great ride overall. The launch was my favorite part. All the flips and turns were really fun. There could be some lights in the dark (I didn't like the Dark Night experience on this one as much as my dad.)

  • Sean R.

    Airtimes First Drop Location

    Candymonium was a fantastic experience that bookended a great evening at Hersheypark. We went on it to start our night and finished our evening with two more rides before leaving the park. It is not the most intense coaster at Hersheypark, but it maintains a formidable thrill-level throughout and offers a grace, strength and elegance that is unmatched among the deep roster of Hersheypark coasters. The ride is the perfect ambassador/greeter to what I believe is among the best coaster-parks in the country - welcoming coaster aficionados and more daring general audiences alike. My first ride was in the darkness of Dark Nights theming and was my favorite B&M hyper experience of all-time. The ride hauls down the first hill, which felt a bit bigger and steeper than other B&M hypers and the subsequent camelback and helix were fantastic. The rolling hills of the back-half and the concluding circle around the kisses fountain wove the coaster into the park setting in a masterful manner. The operations were on point and showcased a capacity to devour long lines of eager riders in short order. I've read complaints about operations from others, but what I saw was as strong as any coaster anywhere. My single complaint is that the trims came into play on our last two rides and it dulled the second half of the ride quite noticeably. Still, it's a great ride that stands out and really just feels right in every way as the opener for a park that has invested significantly in its coaster experience over the last two decades.

  • Kevin Li

    Airtimes Comfort Fun

    Definetly one of the best coasters in california. Although it doesnt focus on airtime as much as other RMC's I still find the inversions very fun and the airtime moments delivers great ejector. The twisted first drop is also a very cool element.

  • Kevin Li

    Airtimes Smoothness Discomfort

    I came into this ride with very high expectations based on what everyone was saying online, but after i rode it i have to admit it is slightly overrated. The airtime is insane, so insane that my thighs slammed into the lapbar on one of the hills. I dont know if this was because i sat in the back but on some of the turns i was slammed into the side of the train and rattled around in my seat.

  • Kevin Li

    Location Fun Capacity

    A pretty average spinning coaster. I didnt get much actual spinning on this though. This coaster is definetly fun and the location is great, right over the boardwalk, but it just doesnt do much for me.

  • Kevin Li

    Airtimes Lap Bar Duration Rattle

    This GCI woodie is an awesome coaster. Right after the first drop you are mainly somewhat low to the ground hitting turns and airtime hills all with excelent pacing. The only thing holding this back is the rattle. I personaly dont think the restraints are necessarily uncomfortable either.

  • Kevin Li

    Fun Smoothness Headbanging Dead spots

    I cant really rate this any lower since it is still a smooth, fun ride, its just that there isnt much in it. The layout is pretty mild for a floorless coaster, with only 2 inversions, and not much intensity.

  • Kevin Li

    Theming Fun Headbanging Too short

    Not as rough as most arrow loopers. The tunnels and sound affects definetly improve the ride. I honestly enjoyed this, but its just too short.

  • Kevin Li

    Tear it down! Pointless Dead spots

    i really dont see the point in keeping this. No real forces, extremely mild.

  • Sean R.

    Fun Intensity

    I don't really like spinning coasters, but this was pretty enjoyable and certainly unique. I'd skipped it the first two times I went to BGT, but Montu was down and there were no lines for CC so my daughter and I gave it a whirl (literally) and had a good time. Probably my least favorite coaster in the park (Air Grover doesn't count), but that speaks more to the quality of other coasters. Cobra's Curse is a good ride...no more, no less.