• Eric Esty

    Theming Inversions Intensity

    Medusa is a great floorless coaster. It still has great theming as a holdover from its Bizarro days. I'd rate it about the same as Scream, just slightly better due to better theming and setting.

  • Eric Esty

    Theming Fun Smoothness Too short Discomfort

    Tron is well themed with its awesome on ride audio, queue, and lighting. It's very smooth and very fun. But it's quite short and feels like it needs one more break run's worth of track to feel complete. The leg restraint is very uncomfortable. The back row with the regular seat is probably much better, but it's better saved for those who need to transfer from wheelchairs and the like. It's good overall but not Disney's best roller coaster.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes First Drop Intensity Harness

    Insane roller coaster. Inversions, airtime, laterals, everything you can ask for at breakneck pacing. Unfortunately the lap bar is deceivingly cramped and uncomfortable, and for me personally detracts from the ride experience by quite a bit. But the intensity of the death roll, inverted overbank, wave turns, and airtime hills cannot be overstated.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Pace Fun

    This ride completes the park's mission to feel like a classic American amusement park with modern comforts. The rides in the 2013 expansion were placed down all at once and designed with each ride's placement in mind. Though the size of the park was doubled, the landplot was still quite small, and the flats and other coaster were taking up much of the space. As a result, GCI was tasked with making a wooden coaster with an out and back layout that looks classic as the park's backdrop, but rides like a fast and furious modern GCI woodie. In addition, they had to do it with a small height and short length, while still making the ride imposing as the signature coaster at the park. And wow, did they succeed. White Lightning is a perfect signature coaster for a family friendly park like Fun Spot. It looks pretty, looks big, and is dominant in this section of the park. The turnaround just barely misses the go-karts section, and whizzes by the Screaming Swing and Enterprise. As for the ride experience, it's excellent. GCI's floater airtime, short ejector pops, and moments of laterals and speed lend themselves much better to a more family friendly coaster, while still being a very fast paced blitz of a coaster. The first drop is a great sideways whip, and the first turn low to the ground turn is fast and floaty, with the whole sequence being expertly designed in the balance of forces and flow that I could only dream of perfecting. The signature element is a homage to Phoenix, and is very recognizable from the road as you approach the park. The double up is a sharp pop of ejector, and probably the strongest on the ride. You get floater airtime on the crest of the element, and a double down gives even more sweet floater air. If guests haven't realized how modern this woodie is by now by the curved first drop and first turn, they're about to learn. The turnaround is a full 90 degree overbank, which then dives to the left in a downwards helix, which leads into a great twisted floater hill. As the layout bottlenecks between the road and the too close flat rides, White Lightning reminds its guests of its classic roots with two straight floater airtime hills. If guests are fooled into sense of security again like they were with the double up and double down, White Lightning switches back into GCI high gear until the end of the ride. A twisted floater hill on the way up leads to an excellent double down with a pop of ejector, which again drops into another ejector pop hill. A sharp 90 degree right turn gives the strongest laterals on the ride, followed immediately by more ambiguous airtime pops and unbanked corrections before the final hop into the brake run, which for every one of my friends who ride this with me, leaves you breathless and wanting to ride again.

  • Eric Esty

    Theming Masterpiece Intensity

    This is Walt Disney Imagineering's Magnum Opus. Smooth, cinematic, intense, scary, and the best theming and landscaping on any roller coaster in the world. There's not much else to say.

  • Eric Esty

    Inversions Pace Intensity

    Afterburn is a perfect example of an outstanding B&M invert. It's perfectly paced without any dead spots. It has a loop, an immelmann, a zero-g roll, and a best of all, a batwing. The flat spin and a forceful final helix is a great finale to a fast paced ride that left me dizzy each time.

  • Eric Esty

    Location Launch Ejectors Capacity Reliability

    Cheetah Hunt is an odd one, but a really fun one. You get awesome ejector airtime in the front, and it has three fantastic launches. Its location is one of the best of any coaster. Diving over and under bridges, past other rides, next to paths and over animal exhibits, the panoramic view atop the tower, and especially the canyon midride. It's not short of fun elements. The tower rise and drop give great airtime. There's sideways floater on the odd first hill, and the heartline roll gives away hang time. The turns in the canyon really whip you, and there's really good airtime on the return trip. The ride is oddly paced, switching from intense to meandering on a dime. Either way, it's incredibly fun for everyone, and a unique coaster that fits the park perfectly.

  • Eric Esty

    Theming Inversions Intensity

    Montu thrives off of its huge amount of inversions, incredible forcefulness and fast whip, and enormous size and scale. The batwing, zero-g roll, and flat spin are particularly intense. I also like how each trench is themed, with hieroglyphics on the stone walls. The sheer size and power of Montu is awesome.

  • Eric Esty

    Theming Fun Duration

    A long, comfortable, and insanely fun ride. You cannot see what's coming. The forces are truly unusual and unexpected. The music changing each ride makes this coaster even more rerideable than it already is. One of Disney's best efforts and by far the best ride at Epcot.

  • Eric Esty

    Launch Intensity Ejectors

    My only complaint would be the restraints.. but on my most recent ride they were improved and I no longer have any complaints! Maverick is smooth, intense, and hilariously aggressive. The erratic pacing is always changing, the airtime is sharp and scarily forceful, the changes in direction are faster than your body can keep up, whipping you around and leaving you in the dust. The first drop is stupidity terrifying, the launch is exhilarating, and the whole ride makes me giggle like an idiot. The theming really sets Maverick apart. There's western landscaping on the whole footprint, with rockwork, architecture, foliage, and water effects all reminiscent of the wild west. Maverick is the best bucking bronco launch coaster I can think of.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Comfort Smoothness

    Mako is my hometown hyper, and it's near and dear to me. It's beautiful, graceful, and well themed. It has a beautiful queue and an amazing soundtrack. The airtime is complimented by the perfect smoothness and clamshells. An amazing first drop, fun overbanks, and a beautiful setting over the water. The first camelback is my favorite moment of airtime on any coaster. The only coaster in Florida that eclipses Mako is Velocicoaster, which has a longer layout, more variety in its elements, and better theming.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Nice surprise! Fun Dead spots

    There's a great first drop, and three great airtime hills in a row right off the bat. The rest of the coaster isn't forceful but at least it's smooth and keeps good speed.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Theming Launch

    Smooth as butter. Extremely comfy seats and restraints. Great launches. Nice curves. Unexpected big airtime moments. Beautifully themed. Mack rides, please build more awesome launch coasters like this stateside.

  • Eric Esty

    First Drop Inversions Comfort Theming Dead spots

    Great first drop, smooth fast inversions, great pacing. But the inversions have very little force to them. No airtime, hangtime, or significant positive g forces. And almost no theming. Still a fun smooth comfortable ride.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Inversions Launch Theming Harness

    Fun Sky Rocket II. Theming isn't as good as Tigris, but still a great ride.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Launch Hangtime Too short Theming Harness

    Needs better theming, getting in the ride vehicle is difficult, and the ride is very short. Still, it's very fun. Ejector airtime, fun launches, hangtime on the apex of the spikes, nice little layout.

  • Eric Esty

    Inversions Launch Smoothness Harness

    Always duels, it has airtime, 4 inversions, forceful helixes, good theming, and you get to ride twice. This ride checks all of the boxes for an excellent ride.

  • Eric Esty

    Location Pace Intensity

    By far the best stateside flying coaster. One train ops work in this one's favor because you don't have to sit on the brake run waiting to unload. The pacing on this is immaculate. Forceful first drop into back to back Corkscrews in different directions is disorienting and awesome, and the views are incredible. The two overbanks after are also very Forceful and aggressive. Then the pretzel loop at the end is huge and seemingly never ending. If anything the last barrel roll and helix are there for you to recollect yourself after the nosedive, and gives one last scenic panorama before the ride ends. The location at the top of the Magic Mountain is incredible and the theming and pacing complete it.

  • Eric Esty

    Lap Bar Location Layout Rattle

    A fun scenic coaster with janky transitions and some surprisingly fast spots.

  • Eric Esty

    Inversions Intensity Smoothness Theming

    Scream is a very fun floorless coaster, great inversions, a forceful helix, and nice spots of floater. The lack of theming feels like a novelty that's fun to make fun of.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Capacity Intensity

    Goliath is a great coaster. It's smooth, comfortable, and fun. I think the extra helix sends Titan over the edge as the better ride.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes First Drop Duration

    Absolutely wicked coaster. Huge airtime, great inversions, two first drops, smooth, fun.

  • Eric Esty

    Theming Smoothness Too short

    Nice little family coaster but a little short and uneventful.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Lap Bar Hangtime

    A little short but really fun. There's a little jolt during the Corkscrew but that's it. Hangtime, airtime, comfortable, smooth.

  • Eric Esty

    Location Theming Capacity Discomfort

    Crappy mouse below disney standard.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Location Harness Headbanging Inversions

    Scenic, a few good airtime moments, better restraints, fun... but unfortunately the two inversions are terribly shaky and have rough trackwork.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Location Fun Too short

    Scenic, fun airtime, nice helixes, interacts with other rides, beautiful and photogenic.

  • Eric Esty

    Theming Location Fun Capacity

    Line moves slow but really fun ride. Sharp drops and turns, great theming and location in the park, awesome effects and animatronics, and a fun splash at the end.

  • Eric Esty

    Theming Fun Masterpiece

    Smooth, well themed, well paced, a variety of elements, comfortable, intense, and fun.

  • Eric Esty

    Airtimes Fun Intensity Too short

    Awesome E&F Miler kiddie coaster. I love their rides to bits. This ride has good airtime and laterals and goes around twice. It was easily better than Looping Thunder before they replaced it with Adrenaline Peak.