• Mike H.

    First Drop Inversions Rattle

    I can see why many people think this is the best coaster in the world. But I do not agree. For me the transitions are sometimes not smooth enough, there is no special and outstanding element, the second half is a bit repetitive and the last bunny hills are a little bit too aggressive. We are talking here of minor complaints. It is still a very very good ride and is within my top 10.

  • Mike H.

    First Drop Ejectors Rattle Disappointing! Lap Bar

    After haven ridden a big portion of the elite coasters in Europe and the US I was excited to finally ride El Toro. This was the biggest disappointment for me up to now. This ride rattles and shakes like a 60 year old wooden rollercoaster and not like a smooth Intamin prefab. To all people who think this is a good ride visit Europe and ride Colossos and Balder and you will see how smooth these coasters are. It's a pity to see how negligent Six Flags takes care of this coaster. The track has not been completely renewed like Heide Park and Liseberg did. Furthermore the operations takes ages because trains are just the basic versions. In Germany and Sweden there is a light showing which lap bars per seat are not closed, here the operators only know the wagon and so they staple everyone in the whole wagon until the lap bars are closed properly. I can clearly see that this ride was an elite ride with clearly 5 stars but in the current sorry state it is just 4 stars as the ride with a stapled lap bar and this inferior track is just a nightmare.

  • Mike H.

    Airtimes First Drop Layout

    This ride is underrated maybe due to the fact that it has to compete Fury 325 in the same park. This ride focuses only on floater airtime with lots of airtime hills. I also do not think that it has many dead spots, maybe the helix near the end. The coaster needs to be warmed up in order to appreciate it. Front row and back row are the favorite seats.

  • Mike H.

    Capacity Inversions Intensity Too short

    For me the B&M inverts are all much the same and I am no big fan of them though they are always worth a ride. This one is fun and intense but a little bit too short.

  • Mike H.

    Theming Nice surprise! Fun Headbanging Discomfort

    I am a fan of the Gerstlauer Eurofighters and this ride is a much better version of the standard mine trains. It has the problem of the Eurofighters over the shoulder restraints that often leads to Headbanging. Still a fun ride with a surprising layout and good theming.

  • Mike H.

    Launch Smoothness Intensity

    Nice family ride but much too tame.

  • Mike H.

    Pace Fun Intensity Rattle

    Great wooden rollercoaster that rushes you through the layout with good pacing. I am no fan of uncontrolled wooden coasters but I had a lot of fun riding this.

  • Mike H.

    Location Fun Rattle Discomfort

    This ride is a classic and for is time a very intense ride. But it rattles and pushes you around. Still a lot of fun. Great to see that Kings Island maintains this classic with care.

  • Mike H.

    First Drop Lap Bar Fun Intensity

    The first giga coaster of the world features a great first drop and a wonderful view over the surrounding lake Erie. It concentrates more on speed than on airtime. Great fun to ride but modern coasters offer much more airtime.

  • Mike H.

    Location Intensity

    This one has a weird start and no first drop as expected. The overall layout is strange. Still a good ride but for me one of the weakest B&M inverts.

  • Mike H.

    Inversions Pace Hangtime

    This is an interesting different coaster that focuses mainly on hangtime. It's starting with a slow roll with pure hangtime and pretty much all inversions also feature hangtime. The layout is well paced with inversions and transitions weigh is a lot of fun. The launches are pretty tame which is expected from Mack but it suits the ride. For US standards this ride is pretty well themed which is also worth noticing.

  • Mike H.

    Airtimes Masterpiece Intensity

    Fury 325 starts with the impressive drop from 99 meters followed by some elements that focus solely on speed with some snappy transitions. After that follows the airtime part of the ride starting with the drop through the tunnel which is my favorite element of the ride as it features a fantastic flowjector airtime moment followed by some airtime hills with floater airtime. It's a composed masterpiece by B&M! The ride is best in the front row (first rides or the day) and even better in the back row when the ride is warmed up. Fury 325 belongs to the elite coasters of the world and is currently in my top 5.

  • Mike H.

    Inversions Pace Intensity Capacity Harness

    The LSM launch up the hill is just pointless. A cable launch is faster than this tame launch. This ride feature many inversions and good pacing but the transitions are often harsh and the harness is pushing you down uncomfortably. Still a very fun little ride but in my opinion overrated.

  • Mike H.

    Airtimes Location Pace Rattle

    The first rides in the morning the trains are too slow especially in the first half of the track. I guess with the original LSM launch this was better. But when the trains are warmed up this ride is a lot of fun. The first drop is nothing special but after the waveturn (with hangtime) the trains are rushing through the layout. Here the triple down is intense as it should be and not brutal like on Wildcat's Revenge. I like this ride a lot though it does not belong to the top rides anymore (maybe with the original LSM launch).

  • Mike H.

    First Drop Theming Pointless

    The first drop is great but due to the "non theaming" of the bottom of the drop the drop feels in nowhere as good as e.g. Valkyria in Sweden though it's much smaller. The second drop is pointless. The further ride is uncreative. Still fun to ride.

  • Mike H.

    Location Smoothness Harness

    This is my favorite B&M wing coaster so far. Good fun to ride with an interesting layout.

  • Mike H.

    Intensity Layout Headbanging

    Good B&M invert with an interesting layout and great intensity. Not a big fan of the inverts, though.

  • Mike H.

    Inversions Intensity

    I am no big fan of B&M inverts but this is my favorite up to now. Nice first drop a inversion focused layout with great intensity. Good fun to ride.

  • Mike H.


    This B&M coaster is much too tame and has only slight floater airtime. It looks cool when the water splashes and it's still fun.

  • Mike H.

    Airtimes First Drop Location Too short Layout

    The first drop is really good but unfortunately the first overbanked airtime hill does nothing. The next two hills have good airtime and after that the ride meanders until the end. I think B&M had the possibility to do much more. It's still fun but sadly no elite coaster.

  • Mike H.

    First Drop Theming Pace Rattle

    Great fun ride with nice first drop and good pacing. Well themed with the shed at the end. Had a lot of fun riding it.

  • Mike H.

    Inversions Location Smoothness Too short Discomfort

    As a European only knowing the old Vekoma tracks (Vekoma had licensed Arrows tracks for Europe) I feared a lot of rattle and bad craftsmanship in bending the tracks properly. But this ride is so smooth that I actually had a lot of fun riding it. Only the trains are too small with discomfort.

  • Mike H.

    Smoothness Capacity

    Family ride with bad capacity due to only I train running. This Vekoma SFC is much smoother than the feared Vekoma STCs that you find all over Europe.

  • Mike H.

    First Drop Location

    Different layout than most B&M wing coasters starting with a drop. Great location. It's a nice ride but nothing special.

  • Mike H.

    Inversions Pace Discomfort Layout Intensity

    I was very disappointed with Wildcat's Revenge and I am sorry to say that this is a bad design. The first 90% of the ride are perfect. Pure fun! Clearly 5 stars and belongs to the elite coasters worldwide. But the last 2 bunny hills are just painfully awful. Here you get slammed around and are pushed hard into the lapbar with your stomach. I gave this ride 3 chances but the last 2 hills are so awful that I don't want to ride it again. It's just too much and it shows that Alan Schilke is the superior designer.

  • Mike H.

    Airtimes Fun Layout Capacity

    Great ride with an interesting layout and good pacing that is fun to ride. Just the capacity is awful with only 12 riders per train.

  • Mike H.

    Fun Rattle

    Classic wooden coaster that is still fun to ride!

  • Mike H.

    Pace Fun Rattle

    The ride is much fun and the racing aspect is great.

  • Mike H.

    First Drop Lap Bar Ejectors Rattle

    Hershey has upgraded the trains with the new and comfortable lap bars which is great. The cable lift really rushes you up the hill. The first drop is cool and you have some ejector airtime combined with good pacing. The only bad thing is that the ride rattles, especially in the back seats. Still a great and fun ride.

  • Mike H.

    Airtimes First Drop Fun

    This B&M hyper coaster has some real forces that I did not expect from B&M. The first drop is great and the on the airtime hills you have lots of floater airtime and you feel like you are flying over the hills. Unfortunately at the end there is a trim brake that makes the last two hills pointless. It's still a great ride that I really enjoy.