First Drop Capacity Disappointing! Dead spots
Other than the first drop it does nothing
Fun little launch coaster
Inversions Intensity Rattle
It’s punchy
Nice surprise! Smoothness Capacity
It’s a very unique ride for sure
I haven’t ridden since 2016
Inversions Intensity
It’s currently my favorite invert which isn’t saying much
Theming Nice surprise! Dead spots
The closest thing I’ll ever ride to a Disney coaster
It’s an okay family coaster
Capacity Disappointing! Dead spots
A lot of the airtime hills do nothing
Capacity Disappointing! Dead spots
A lot of the airtime hills do nothing
Fun Too short Dead spots
It’s a solid family launch coaster
Airtimes Fun Dead spots
It’s an okay woodie, the precut track on it is nice
Capacity Dead spots
It’s on the weaker side for a b&m sit down looper
Airtimes Capacity Discomfort Lap Bar
It’s a solid family coaster
Inversions Intensity Too short
It’s very intense but it’s just not my type of ride
Airtimes Comfort Capacity
It’s more comfortable than a standard Wildmouse, however the ride is only somewhat thrilling in the back row
Nice surprise! Comfort Fun Too short Capacity
Such an underrated coaster model
Inversions Hangtime Dead spots
5 of the 7 inversions have hangtime, including the corkscrews. But those will only give hangtime if the midcourse is harsh and you have to be in the back
Intensity Disappointing! Dead spots
Does nothing other than the pretzel loop
Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Dead spots
This ride has four amazing moments but the rest of the ride is just okay
Rattle Discomfort
One of the worst coasters I’ve ridden the refurb didn’t do anything
Airtimes Capacity Inversions Headbanging Discomfort Dead spots
It has some underrated forces but it’s extremely rough