• Sarah Rafaèl

    Theming Capacity Launch Dead spots

    I loved the ambience and theming of this ride.

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Nice surprise! Fun Intensity Discomfort

    Ben j'ai un petit plus pour celui-ci des deux, je l'ai trouvé moins inconfortable. Moins intense que son jumeau, mais intéressant quand même. Peut-être parce que le train vibrait un peu moins ? En tout cas, deux coasters originaux et à faire !

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    First Drop Theming Nice surprise! Discomfort

    J'ai été plutôt agréablement surprise par les deux Winja, leur thématique, et la musique en station, qui leur donne une atmosphère mystérieuse et mystique, un peu sombre. L'ascenseur, la première chute, et les rails qui bougent en fin de station en font un ride à la fois étrange et original.

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    First Drop Nice surprise! Intensity Headbanging

    Je ne trouve pas que ce coaster mérite sa mauvaise réputation, il suffit de bien plaquer sa tête contre le siège (j'ai mis ma tête contre le pad de droite, et en arrière, et franchement, ça va!). Il est joliment thématisé, les sièges avec les pads sont confortables, et il a une belle allure avec ses couleurs qui collent parfaitement au thème, et la zone est joliment fleurie. Il a même une petite atmosphère de Castlevania ! Il est nettement meilleur que Condor à Walibi Holland !

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    First Drop Theming Fun Dead spots

    Quite a decent family thrill coaster for a regional amusement park with an effort put in theming. Rode it twice and enjoyed it.

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Harness Intensity Rattle Discomfort

    I was expecting roughness, janky transitions, and that's what I found! The brakes were the best part of the ride. The first drop is quite good though. Vampire in Walibi Belgium shows how much 5 years change the game! Vampire was a good surprise on the opposite was a pleasant surprise, although it was my fear in Walibi Belgium. Condor is a one and done to me!

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Nice surprise! Launch Intensity

    Far better than I expected. Good surprise, especially for a ride from the late 70"s. Intense and disorientating. I quite liked it.

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    First Drop Inversions Layout

    Une petite merveille de fluidité et de puissance, des inversions totalement folles, un airtime genial. Encore meilleur à chaud. Pour Mon premier RMC, je ne suis pas déçue.

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Theming Location Fun

    Un des coaster les plus originaux et étranges que j'ai testé !

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Fun Dead spots

    C'était il y a longtemps... mais j'en garde un souvenir ému

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Nice surprise! Intensity Layout

    Une attraction surprenante entièrement contenue dans une géode, très jolie, onirique même, sur le thème du paris des années folles. C'est un bon family ride, plus intense qu'il n'y paraît. Une bonne surprise, je l'ai fait deux fois.

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Theming Fun Intensity Rattle Discomfort

    Je ne sais que penser, à la fois, j'ai trouvé la thématisation super sympa, originale, et la musique collant parfaitement à une attraction nostalgique, une capsule temporelle sur le thème de la station Mir, très bien réalisé d'ailleurs,mais pu..., c'est quoi ces sièges, et c'est quand même assez brutal ! J'ai ressenti un quasi malaise dans l'helix, que j'ai abordée à l'envers, c'était très étrange, une désorientation de folie ! J'ai de l'affection pour Euromir malgré ça, il m'a marquée durablement, et j'ai encore sa musique dans la tête !

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Airtimes Pace Masterpiece

    Je crois que c'est le plus beau coaster que j'ai eu l'occasion de faire, de l'entrée, à la file d'attente, à la station, la thématisation est la plus poussée que j'ai jamais vue, extrêmement immersive, magique. C'ést une véritable expérience en soi. Il est puissant, surtout en fin de journée, où il crache toute sa furie, et ses ejectors sont encore plus forts qu'à froid le matin. A faire absolument !

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Lap Bar Pace Intensity Rattle

    Un airtime d'une intensité et d'une longueur que je n'avais encore jamais expérimentés, des trains sublimes, un bon débit, un système de retenue parfait, qui ne vous laisse pas respirer, j'ai adoré. La chute est impressionnante, du haut de ses 73 mètres, et l'airtime vous fait véritablement voler de votre siège ! Seul bémol, une vibration présente mais supportable, le ride est assez court, donc ça n'est pas si gênant (ridé 5 fois à l arrière, au milieu, et deuxième rangée).

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Inversions Comfort Smoothness

    J'ai trouvé la propulsion bien puissante, et le layout bien conçu. Il est très confortable et assez fun. Juste dommage que seul un train sur les 5 ait eu la sonorisation.

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Theming Launch Intensity

    Un coaster puissant intégré dans une zone incroyablement bien thématisée. Une magnifique machine, nerveuse mais fluide, qui laisse une bonne liberté de mouvement, grâce aux sièges surélevés, et qui vous donne l'impression que vous allez vous prendre le décor de plein fouet. Une mention spéciale pour le passage tout proche de la cascade.

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Nice surprise! Fun Duration

    Une très bonne surprise, c'est fun et c'est une bonne façon d'exploiter ce coaster. On s'y croit vraiment, et les chauves-souris sont super mignonnes. Comme quoi, chacun vit une expérience différemment, et il faut toujours se faire sa propre opinion !

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Theming Masterpiece Smoothness

    Un Vekoma nouvelle génération superbe et original. A faire absolument !

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Airtimes First Drop Intensity Rattle

    I used to find this ride a bit too rough, and felt nauseous after a few seconds, but my 2 last rides were a lot better: I sat a bit more forward, putting my hips at the front, which allowed me to gain some extra space, until the belt checking by the staff, and releasing it. I gained the 2/3 centimeters that are a game changer to me, because this way, you are not stappled against your seat, and it makes the ride a lot more enjoyable. A game changer in my opinion. Riding it backwards is a must do, since you can't anticipate the layout, unless you know it. It was really good! I understand why people queue for this ride, it's very intense, and d the theming is beautiful. Edit : ridden on January 7th 2024, I applied the tip of saving some space between me and the lapbar, and I really enjoyed the ride. 3rd row. The bank turn offered me a great floater time, and some nice airtime moments. It has definitely risen up in my personal ranking.

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Pace Intensity Layout Rattle Harness

    Good old Goudurix, although it's rough, it's intense and a classical feature of the park. I guess that if the trains were changed, and there was a lapbar instead of those shoulder restraints, it would be great. It's been here since the beginning, so, it really deserves new trains. I like it anyway...

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Inversions Intensity Layout Headbanging Harness

    This ride has a monster of a launch, I didn't expect it to be so intense, and it's followed by a steep climbing and an interesting layout. It rattles a bit, but this is not what I dislike the most. The restraints are not adapted to the layout, and if you are not aware of where to brace in order to save your head from the slaps, your head will bang. You can hardly avoid them unless you are 2 meters tall. I rode it three times, once at the front, twice at the back, and it doesn't make a noticeable difference. I liked it though, and the dispatch was efficient. I liked the design of the trains, and the pace was really good. Overall, I liked it.

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Airtimes Nice surprise! Smoothness Too short

    Heidi is a surprisingly smooth and well paced little wooden roller coaster, it was fun! I expected some rattling, but it was smooth and was more intense than I thought. The seats are comfortable, and there are airtime moments. The theming is cute and well done.

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    First Drop Location Smoothness Capacity

    I wanted to ride it no matter how long I would have stayed in line, and I must say it was quite a long queue, but even if the capacity is awful like in every theme park in Japan, I must say I'm glad I rode it. The first drop is breathtaking, and when the train passes through the building and the big wheel, it's quite impressive. It's a bit short though and I would have loved to ride it twice, but considering the line, I gave up. It's a good Intamin ride, and a technical prowess in my opinion to build a coaster like this in such a place, right in the middle of Tokyo. I might ride it again next time I come back to Japan, but never again in summertime, it was too hot and humid, and too busy. I loved the way it was lit at night, adding some dimension to the ride.

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Inversions Launch Intensity Headbanging

    I love this powerful launch followed by the sea serpent, and I acknowledge the effort made to add some decor lately. I must say that I preferred the previous theming, which allowed to have a different soundtrack (5 different) , I was a big fan of rock'n'roller coaster, it was original and really fun. Hearing Steven Tyler shouting before the launch was really thrilling. But I'm getting used to Avengers campus, the theming is not bad at all, but the storytelling is always the same... But I must say that it's Disneyland Paris' most exciting coaster, and the short queues allowed me to ride it 7 times, among which 5 times in a row.

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Intensity Layout Ejectors

    This ride is what we came for. And we were not disappointed. It's well themed, beautiful, the music is immersive, and what a unique layout, what an intensity, what a surprise at each ride, 5 times ridden, 5 different rides. The music adds an epic dimension to this beautiful, gracious however insanely powerful machine. The seats are comfortable, beautiful, the harnesses are perfect, just as needed, and they allow you feel dropping off of your seat but safe at the same time. The ejectors and hang times are insane, the launches are exactly the amount needed. Loved it. It was a unique experience, with almost hardly any queue today. As astonishing and unique as Eejanaika to me. Be aware that in case of strong winds, it might close.

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Airtimes First Drop Duration Layout

    Oldie but goodie. The first drop is insane! The trains are quite comfortable, and the restraints allow air time, which is good. The layout may be awkward at times, but it's ok. And that view on Fujisan on clear days...

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Comfort Ejectors Hangtime

    I can never get enough of this Intamin masterpiece! The theming is very immersive, very detailed, with lots of puns all the way. It's smooth and comfortable, it really feels like flying. Hang times and airtime are powerful, and the backwards section is a bliss. IMO, there are no dead spots, the pace is here all along the layout . It's by far my number one coaster among any other, even if I really was impressed by Eejanaika in Fujikyu Highland, which is out of this world, but I love the smoothness and grace of Toutatis so much that it can't be dethroned for the moment in my ranking. I rode it 6 times, and always felt this enthusiasm every time. Only the park closing prevented me from riding a seventh time on this day. This ride is even more magical at sunset or at night. I might change my mind if one day I ride Velocicoaster, who knows?! Intamin is an elite coaster manufacturer anyway, the best in my opinion and according to my experience in roller coasters. I'm so lucky to live not too far! Thank you parc Astérix and Intamin!

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Location Pace Intensity

    I'd never heard my son screaming in a coaster before riding Eejanaika! Which means a lot! This ride in unreal! Soooo special! The first drop backwards and the seat spinning facing the ground is absolutely crazy! You must know that you have to remove any loose object, including your jewelry and shoes before riding! Be prepared for this crazy ride! On clear days, Fujisan is visible from the whole park, and it really feels almost like a spiritual experience. You can literally hear people saying "kowai" (I'm scared) when their turn is approaching. This ride is insanely good. I rank it second just ride behind my number Toutatis, but to be honest, to me, it's beyond ranking. It's a proper experience of its own.

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    First Drop Theming Smoothness

    One of the two masterpieces of Park Astérix. It's smooth, intense, graceful. It's just a short head behind Toutatis, which I guess will always remain my number one among all coasters.

  • Sarah Rafaèl

    Comfort Launch Fun Capacity

    Wow, I rode it twice, once during daylight, and then at night, which was definitely better and much more immersive. Loved the smoothness, the lighting, the theming, and the well rendered impression of riding a motorbike! The soundtrack added a pinch of enthusiasm to this brand new ride (it opened less than 3 weeks before). Another great and original Intamin, which really knows how to capture the atmosphere wanted by the park. The launches are fun, the backwards part and the last one are really funny, I loved the sections where you are really low, close to the ground with the inclinations. The waiting time in line was awfully long, as they always are in every theme park in it Japan anyway, but it was really worth it. Thank you Fujikyu Highland and Intamin, I'll ride Zokkon again when I come back to Japan.